Morning folks! The wife and I picked up our tideland pearl pkg. 4 last night after a 10 week wait and I have to say it's a pretty cool car. We hadn't even had the opportunity to test drive prior to purchase, but it's even better than we expected. Averaged 51.9 mpg on the 60 some mile trip home. However, I have a fairly major concern about the HID headlights. Having never had this option before, I had her follow me home to see just how bright these lights are. On a level surface, or going down hill there's not a real problem. They're obviously a little brighter than normal lights but not to the extent that I thought they would interfere with on coming traffic. But, when we were going up a hill or grade of any kind they appear much too bright, at least equal to the brights of a non HID light. When she hit a dip or went over railroad tracks it was almost as if she were flashing the brights for an instant. I understand from previous threads these lights have an auto-leveling function? I think I have a basic understanding of this feature but do you guys think it's working properly or is that just the nature of the beast? Anyone else with this problem and if so, is it something the dealer needs to look at? No one flashed their brights at her on the way home, but I think that's just because she was close enough behind me it wasn't worth their effort. I honestly think I would have flashed her had I been the on coming traffic. Otherwise, great car. The radio sounds a little weak, but I can live with that. I just don't want to spend the life of the car blinding other drivers. Reading these forums for the last couple of months has been a great help. Thanks to all for your input!!
I have seen this with other cars with HIDs coming towards me. I believe the self leveling takes effect based on the load in the car. I can't imagine it leveling for road imperfections. Others, please chime in if I am wrong.
It's based on load using a sensor at the left side of the rear axle, and doesn't have an instantaneous reaction. Road bumps don't do anything, a sustained load that drops the read does.
Sounds as though your lights are holding their aim steady. That's what they're supposed to do. The changes in the road surface are changing the car's front-to-back attitude; and, because of the bright HID's, you have the illusion of improperly working headlights. By your description, it sounds as though you have no problem at all. Enjoy your Prius!
Over ten months of driving our Prius and I don't recall being flashed once while in low beam. High beam - YES! As KTPhil said, it is a load sensor, not an angle to the center of the earth level sensor. If there is a heavy load in the back, the sensor will adjust the angle of the HID lights downward to compensate. If the rear of the Prius is lower than the front because the Prius is climbing a hill, no, the sensor will not try to level the HID lights. If you are an opposing car to a Prius which has HID and you are lower, such as when the Prius ahead is cresting a hill, you are going to get an eyeful! I know, I was in that situation and it was very bright . . . but I was smart enough to look away. :?
Makes sense to me. Thanks to everyone. My few experiences with the dealership so far has taught me to come here with a question or concern. They seem to mean well, but the day we picked up the car it was apparent I knew more about the Pri than they did and believe me I'm not the sharpest tack on the cork board
Just turn on your lights so they aim at a tree or building. Then open the hatch and sit in the back to weight the rear and you can see the lights adjust. Then stand up and they go back. Easy to see if they are working, and will give you an idea of how slow they adjust.