I have tried to install a portable XM radio in my 04 Prius. I had everything working; radio powered up and all. However in using the supplied cassette adapter I could not get any sound! The radio and CD and cassette player are all working otherwise. I called support and they did mention about having the radio in "auxiliary" mode. I tried the hint from another thread about holding in the AM button, but I could not get into "auxiliary" mode. I have the model with the navigation and JBL system. Any hints on installing this radio (as is-using just the cassette adapter) would be appreciated.
The cassestte adapter probably plugs into the portable radio's earphone jack or line out. If you're using the earphone jack you must have the volume turned up on the portable radio. With the volume turned up and the cassestte in the Prius, you should be able to hear the XM radio. If still nothing, then something else is wrong. Have to tried playing an iPod through the cassette adapter to verify the adapter works? I'll assume your Prius does not have an aux input. Even if you could put your Prius' radio into aux mode (which you cant if you dont have one), it still will not find the portable radio since it is going through the cassette. Good luck.
After trying everything, I returned the XM radio and the replacement works fine. So if anyone has this problem it is probably just a bad radio!
I had a similar problem when my Delphi MyFi radio had a bad battery. Whether it was plugged in or not, the low voltage seemed to confuse the device, and sometimes it would not provide headphone or FM output. After a reset and recharge, it would be OK for a while, then go wacky again. Since I replaced the battery it is much better.