Both my wife and I are finding that the headrests are tilted too far forward and are pushing our heads forward making the car uncomfortable. We both like to keep the seats pretty upright, but it does seem that the headrests should be adjustable. Anyone else have this issue, or have any suggestions?
I agree that the head is pushed forward too much. I just kept adjusting the seat until I found an acceptable compromise, which included tilting the seat further back. Hopefully, someone has a better idea.
If it makes you feel better, there are cars with far worse headrests. I drove a Chevy Cobalt last year, and the headrests were definitely worse. I actually don't notice anything with the Prius, didn't think about the issue until you brought it up.
We feel the same way about the Prius headrests, especially since our other car is an older Camry where the tilt of the headrests is adjustable. One thing that you might try, that was actually suggested to us by the dealer, is to reverse the Prius headrests (turn them 180 degrees). I'm not sure how safe doing that is, since they don't seem to really snap in like they do when they're installed normally, but you can try it out to see what you think.
Thanks, that's a good suggestion. I thought the Prius was supposed to have active headrests that snapped forward in the event of a collision. Not too far forward to go when they're already that far forward.
Here's what I did: raise the headrest. Because the headrest is angled, if you raise it a bit your head will line up with a portion that is furthur back and still will get support in a whiplash situation.
I have read the reason they are father foward is for safety reasons. So altering them may/will reduce the safety of the car.
IMO, one should have the seat at about 45 degree angle. If you are completely upright, your head rest will jud out at the top making it uncomfortable for those who rest heads on it. On a more dangerous note, if you have the seats completely upright say 90 degrees, you most likely are sitting too close to the steering wheel, which we all know will cause decapitation by airbag if you get into a fender bender. We don't want Toyota to have to recall priui due to sudden unintentional head rolling do we.
45 degrees is way off. Any decent car control school will tell you that you need your seat as close to upright as is comfortable.
I don't like it either. Raising it didnt help me much. Only thing that seemed to help was using a little more lumbar support, which moves you forward realtive to the headrest and improves your head angle slightly (but only slightly )
Yes 45 degree angle is way off. Where did you get that angle from? Do you have any idea how much incline a 45 degree from upright?
That is the angle I use, half way between sitting straight up and lying down. It is also the most effective angle to use on your incline bench press.
That's what I was always told as well - it may not look "cool", but as upright as possible is the proper way to drive, whether its a sports car or a Prius. I have my seat inclined by 20 degrees from vertical, and I'd have it less than that if it weren't for my bad back. My wife (who's a therapist) says I all I need to do is exercise my abdominals more so that "it stabilizes my core", so that I don't use my accessory muscles as much to provide proper posture in general. Anyways, I digress.
Are you taller than 5'11 or so? Didn't know that was the most effective for bench press, in the past I stuck with more of a 60 deg angle for inclined bench press.
Nope 5'10 or so. I guess there is no wrong answer, but for me, a 60 deg angle will involve too much shoulder and thus be less effective for upper pecs. As far as the other posts in regards to the upright seating position, personally, I get more lower back pain and discomfort from sitting upright. Maybe all the jolting pressure of my bodyweight concentrated on the lower spine is the cause. When I recline back further, the pain/discomfort is eliminated or reduced. Maybe someone with chiropractic experience can explain it better. Trust me, my days of looking cool are over.
That will not work because it will not give you any protection for backlash. I think it's true that most of the new cars were purposely designed to be like this (the lawyer's effect?). I found a solution by adding a 2-inch thick cushion behind my back (note: You need a tall cushiion for the entire back, not just the lower back. Also, you don't need any cushion underneath.) Since my body has been forwarded 2 inches, my neck does not have to bent forward. I hope this helps.
Professional drivers don't ride at 45 degrees(truck), race car drivers don't ride at 45 degrees Have a ver 2 and the seat is un-drivable without a memory foam lumbar support, I rest my head on the head support (fully extended), my shoulders are against the seat, back is straight, rarely see others in this position, most people are leaning forward shoulders off the seat supporting their heads, to each their own...
I wish there were a company that produced a device that one sat against that was foam injectable, "back orthodox", my alpine snowboard boots have a cork silicone injected liner that is very comforting, and gives ultimate performance... Recaro doesn't make a model for the Prius, side airbags or lack thereof is the issue... When properly seated (upright, good lumbar support) there's no need for an injectable pain relief but to each their own...