I'm trying to decide between getting either Rear Bumper Applique vs Rear Bumper Protector for my BLK 2010 Prius. Seems like Rear Bumper Applique is more difficult to install (perfectly in the center w/o bubbles) And since my car is Black, Rear Bumper Protector, which I believe is a piece plastic or rubber wouldn't look that bad. Anyone with Black Prius with any of these installed, post some pictures for me? thanks
congrats! mine is black too ... I got the rear bumper applique - the first was crooked so I made the installer/ dealer do it again with a new piece and it is perfect (center and no bubbles) ... sorry no pics - will try to post later ... depends on usage I guess - I like the near-invisible applique with the prius lettering ... if you haul mucho stuff or have dogs etc. then i would go with the protector otherwise for normal scuffs the applique is fine .. hope this helps!
First priority would be for the look. I don't haul too much luggage so protection is secondary. Please upload pics when you get a chance. thanks
I have the rear bumper applique. It was installed again after I got a new bumper from getting rear-ended. No problem with the installation (no bubbles and perfectly in the center). Just have them re-do the installation if you're unsatisfied. Not a fan of the rear bumper protector on the Prius. It ruins the clean line of the Prius just like the side body moldings.
A question on the rear bumper protectors ... If they are removed in a year or so, will they take the paint off??? Thanks ... Bart in SoCAL
I bought the protector at the PC Shop for my Winter Gray V. The applique seemed non-protective, relatively speaking. The black protector is very complementary with the car color, as are the mud flaps, and both are easy to self-install. Might think differently with a different car color. I also have the gray side moldings. Looking at other hatchbacks on the road, a protector is very common, but to each his own.
thanks, can someone upload pictures of their black prius with applique? I think I will go ahead with applique instead of the protector b/c its less noticeable.
Yes, go with the decal. I have a pearl white Prius II, and I put the black OEM plastic protector on (well waxed first underneath) because I do carry a lot- a lot of in and out of the back- so for me it is protection. It goes OK with the white (works with the other black elements on the body trim and spoiler). Sorry no pic- too much rain.
OK, I got it. But I bet any protection from a decal would be minimal. In fact, I bet it might get marred more easily than the bumper might, but then again, I haven't experienced the decal, only the hard rubber one, which seems to do it's job quite well. I don't even notice it there anymore, it seems like part of the bumper, and my car is blizzard white.
Funny thing about that "applique" - you really need a protector for the applique sticker (a protector for your bumper protector)... Took only a few weeks to get a few nicks (visible). It takes very little to mess it up - though it makes you remember to be careful... I ended up getting the heavier plastic - and replaced the nicked applique. Now more worries or issues...
I would got with the hard plastic one if you are installing it yourself. It is easier and you don't have to worry about bubbles. I have the hard plastic one since I installed it myself.