I'm eagerly waiting to test drive a Prius with the sunroof package. I haven't seen much feedback from new owners on how loud it is when driving at high speeds (i.e. on the freeway). Can folks who have been in one provide feedback on the noise level? Would you say it's quieter, about average, or louder than most? Thanks!
Being a bigger opening, I'd say it's slightly louder, but it's been quite a while since I've had a moonroof/sunroof (2001) on a car I drove regularly.
How is the wind noise? I find some sunroofs are so loud that you really don't want to drive with them open on say the freeway. It doesn't sound all that bad from your post. If you can provide any more info that would be great. Thanks!
I opened it up tonight because it was only 84°F outside on the way home. I noticed more noise when I had the side window down than when I had the moonroof open.
Beyond just wind noise-how is the roof noise with audio going? I like the idea of a sunroof - I have one in my Jeep Liberty-and I stopped using it because with it open I could not hear the radio or anyone in the car talking. I don't want to repeat that mistake. I realize the Prius moonroof is a much different design-but still worth checking. Thanks for anyone's response.
I can still hear the radio fine if I open the sunroof, however I only open it to the first position (tilted up) if I'm on the freeway. If it's open all the way its like having a window open.
I haven't played with it a lot. But, it was pretty noisy at freeway speed. It was all the way open. Didn't have the radio on so I can't comment on that.
Not as noisy as most retracting sunroofs.The two angled blades on the open sunroof not only minimize wind resistance but also reduce noise. It;s quieter to have only the sunroof open than a window open, but, yes, you do have to turn up the volume.
The sun roof sucks It is very loud compared to my pick up truck Any sun roof that slides on out of the roof are noise compared to a sun roof that slides into the roof The only good thing is it lets in more light and you get the ventilation fan
Ah, a contrary opinion! We really need a comparative decibel test. I believe that the Prius design, minimizing wind resistance, also reduces noise, but I'd love to see this tested.
With it open to the first stage (back lifted up) you can hear some wind noise but it is not intrusive even at highway speeds, Open it all the way and as the roof section retracts externally the wind noise levels do rise and the audio volume needs to be turned up a little. Very little turbulence gets in to the cabin however. We have just had an aftermarket unit fitted to mother in laws Nissan Micra. Compared with it the only feature I find missing on the Prius unit is the automatic opening and closing of the sunshade. David