I don't particularly like the look of them either. I do imagine they are for aerodynamics (virtually unmeasurable singled out), and also for air flow to the brakes as mentioned , and for a bit of protection for the regenerative brakes that are critical to the car in two ways. Lance Armstrong has special skinsuits with different textures on the sleeves and body of the suit to improve airflow and aerodynamics at 35-40 mph on a bike. Extrapolate that kind of detail to wheel covers on a car trying to squeeze every aero advantage within practical possibility, and you have a reasonable explanation for the covers.
This portion seems unlikely, as the regenerative brake components are in the engine compartment, not at the wheels.
I found them at a local hardware store(after months of searching). They are 2 1/8" brass door pulls by Stanley. Don't get the door pulls that nail in- they're not a snug fit and easily fall out. Maybe I'll post them on ebay, if there is enough interest.
Maybe they should have covered the 2010 with golf ball dimples... The covers have saved my wheels when the wifey scuffed them on a kerb.
I believe the full moon caps increase drag. They project out into the airflow and pull air into the wheel well. I had a set on my 04 Prius and replaced them with chrome covers.
Um, you mean if I remove the hub caps there is an alloy wheel underneath, not an ugly steel wheel? If so then I'll remove them for sure as one of mine is misalligned and makes it difficult to get my bicycle pump on to inflate the tires. I'd also not want to have to remove a hub cap while changing a flat in the rain. They are very well stuck on there.
Not a big fan of the full plastic covers. That said, would be nice if Toyota offers .... 17" wheel / tire option on the Prius III / nav as something like $800 upgrade. With the tighter steering response too. How about a III w/nav, 17" alloys (V like handling) for ... $27.4k MSRP ?
I found a link to the covers for the center hub on the wheels, but I'm not permitted to enter it here. Google "stanley 521240". Lowe's and Home Depot have cheap replacements, but they don't work, as the original poster mentioned. You'll have to go to a "real" lumber yard or builder supply.
I'll do better than that. I stopped by the local Toyota dealer's parts department today to pick up some touch-up paint. Just for grins, I asked if they had caps for the center hub of the wheels. Surprise: they did! (Thanks, Steve) They even had four in stock. Ask your parts guy to order these: CAP SUB-ASSY, WHEEL 42603-52110 These are attractive "chrome" plastic with a Toyoto logo that snap right in place. Problem solved! List price is $15.12 each, I got them for $11.82 each. I'll post some pictures as soon as the board lets me.
Who cares. They'd still be selling a Prius. Not like they'd lose sales to another company. And, I wouldn't buy the V with its Homelink mirror / buttons hanging in my line of sght. The regular mirror is as much of low hanging mirror as I can put up with. Cannibalize the V's sales? No. Those who want leather and can go $31.3k+ , get the V Those who are ok with cloth, maybe not even nav, a plain III, but with some 16" or 17" wheels, revised steering, get it at $25.5 k or SLT, park the extra $6k in the bank (that and cheaper annual registration).
Really? where did you get the hubcap? I am looking for these parts and I have not found much luck on ebay or craigslist.