Hello all - I just bought my Barcelona Red 2008 Prius last weekend and am loving it big time. I also am loving this board and have learned a lot about the car. My question - I've read some posts that talk about maximizing MPG through driving methods. Does anyone know if there is a guide or posting that summarizes all these tips to maximize mpg? I've searched on this board and can't seem to find it. I'm currently at 46 mpg since last Saturday which I think is very good given the cold snap that we've had here in Chicago this week, but I'd still like to learn more about how to get the most milage per gallon. Any help would be provided. THANKS!
This may help and be what you are looking for: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-fuel-economy/14701-new-owner-want-mpg-help-read-first.html
OK I am going to be contrary and argue that you may not wish to focus on MPG. I have a route that goes 16 miles at 55 MPH and I get 45 MPG, or another route that goes 24 miles at 45 MPH and gets 55 MPG. Which is better? The shorter route uses less gas, less time, and is safer, the longer route just pumps up my MPG. I used it during road construction on the short route, but now I am back on the short road. I focus on not using as much petroleum, not on high MPG numbers.
Try this one too: Pulse and Glide plus Warp Stealth in the Prius II for maximum FE … - CleanMPG Forums I'm going to be somewhat of a contrarian to Jimbo's contrariness. He makes a valid point that total fuel consumption is more important than MPG. But assuming reduced consumption is your goal, I disagree with the statement not to focus on MPG. To push it as high as possible (with safety and courtesy to other motorists in mind) for the routes you regularly travel obviously saves fuel. Or find routes that, although they could be longer, result in net fuel savings. I routinely get 80+ in warm weather, occasionally topping 90 and even approaching 100 during summer. If you want to take a hard-core crash course, contact CleanMPG founder Wayne Gerdes (user name Xcel) for a hands-on driving clinic. He's in the Chicago area.
Drive in the right hand lane. ALWAYS. Let up on the gas whenever possible. Don't use your AC. Study the terrain and slope of your commute to achieve consistency. Leave early - don't rush. On the freeway, get behind a big truck and follow it to your destination. You will save gas by drifting and driving slower and more controlled. Best of all NOBODY will want to tailgate you or mess with you. And if they cut you off, they will cut off the truck and not you.
Also see Beating the EPA - The Why’s and How to Hypermile - CleanMPG Forums. Obviously, you'll want to balance safety, effort, patience, time, traffic conditions, drivers around you, willingness to do certain things, legality, etc.
I've only had my Prius 4 weeks, but have been experimenting a lot. I've gotten better milege every week. The first week I got 51 on the tank, this wek 57mpg. I've been averaging 250 miles per week. I think that's the real test, what you get for your average week. What I've discovered so far(subject to change) is two major things. The first is slow starts and build to your cruising speed gradually. You don't have to drive like a old granny, just get there gradually and avoid car going to power mode. 2nd use cruise control around town. Always have it on and when you get to your desired speed set it. The only other thing I've tried to avoid is leaving the car in cruise control on steep torains. Tap the brake to disengage cruise control until you get to the top of hill, then rengage the cruise. This should alow you to avoid the power mode. Give it a try for a week.
Lots of videos on Pulse and Glide http://www.pulseandglide.com/Pulse_And_Glide_Videos--vv-pulse_glide-Autos-1.htm GenIII specific but the efficiency tips apply to the GenII as well.
Using the brake to disengage criuse control is not the best idea, unless you have to brake anyway (coming up to a stop or turn). Just pull the cc handle towards you and it will cancel. No breaking needed.
Welcome to PC - Congrats on the New Car. As for MPG 1 Drive the speed limit. 2 Drive like u have no brakes. 3 Learn to anticipate stops and slowing ahead. 4 Tries at 42/40 PSI. Best of Luck to You!