I just bought a 2010 Prius II with bluetooth (no navigation screen), but I can't figure out how to get it working. The owner's manual says to press a button on the steering wheel which doesn't exist. I have a phone button on the console under the wheel which has a phone on it and an up and down arrow. I assume that's the equivalent of what would be on the steering wheel. When I press that I hear a tone like a phone and the radio stops, but nothing happens and the radio starts up again after a few seconds. I've tried saying the voice commands listed in the manual and get nothing. I also tried pressing and holding down the button and I hear a beep after a few seconds and two beeps a few seconds after that then three beeps after a little longer... you get the picture. I can't get anything new to happen after waiting for those beeps. The manual says I'm supposed to hear instructions from the speaker and there is supposed to be controls popping up on the radio display, but I get nothing. Does anyone know how it's supposed to work of if the dealer cheated me? Thanks.
The Prius II does not have bluetooth as an option from the factory. To get bluetooth you need the JBL audio system which comes with the Prius III and above... Did he say it had an added on bluetooth module, like Blu Logic? I think that has the controls on the dash not on the wheel. I don't have immediate instructions on its operation though. It you have no documentation for it I would re-check with the dealer since if it has it it was added on and not stock from the factory on a Prius II.
Yeah, it's Blu-Logic Hands Free System. I didn't realize that's different than just saying bluetooth. They said it was factory installed. Does anyone out there know how to set it up? The manual is worthless.
I guess this is similar to what is in the manual they gave you for it, but there are some setup/operational instruction on the site for it: Blu Logic Handsfree Solutions: Compatible Devices
Thanks Paradox. Once you mentioned that they were different I finally remembered that I got a different manual for the blu-logic system. It's kind of disappointing since I didn't realize there was a difference between the blu-logic and the real bluetooth, but it seems to work alright and I got it nearly for free.
The Blu-Logic is much better than the Bluetooth on the Pruis IV. I had a Pruis II with Blu-Logic for a month and traded for a Pruis IV with solar. I love everything else. I liked how I could pay Pandora with using the AUX jack. It plays through the bluetooth setting. In the IV, Pandora goes in and out.