Hey all, So I've done some searching and can't seem to find the right thread describing how to do this. Is there an easy way to seperate either part of the console? I've had some rattles, and I'm now 90% sure a dime or something fell between the crack where the top part of the console meets the bottom and I can't reach it without removing something...just not sure how. I know something is there because I can push it around with a paperclip. Thank you for any and all suggestions. Edit: Was searching here for an answer but meant to post in another section. I know many of you have experience dissassembling the car though so would still appreciate any help!
Easier than you would imagine, I have removed entire front end including top dash panel with air bags. For this procedure, you might find all you need at Toyota Service Information Click on repair, search for Accessory Installation Manuals (AIM), fill in Prius and Search. Pick TNS510 LHD (Toyota Navigation System Left Hand Drive), this will, among more than you need show you the first few steps including what you need. It is also fun to browse here and find other neat information. Also, there are DVD Repair Manuals on ebay for about $25. that I have and surprisingly are well worth the price, showing more than you would ever need to know! If you don't have plastic knives to help start removing panels, tape both edges of the plastic to keep from scratching. Plastic bicycle tire irons work well, as well as the Plastic Tools advertised on Griots Garage.com or Griots.com, something like that. I also loaded these areas with foam insulation to help alleviate any vibration caused rattles, which is why I dismantled the whole dash. Took 6 hours, but I was successful.