I just bought a 2010 Prius III, with navigation, and when I plug my iPod into the USB port the system won't recognize it!!! The iPod says that it is charging and "Do not disconnect," but the USB tab on the navigation screen does not recognize it... Help - please!!!
Try disconnecting the cable from the ipod end, make sure the ipod is still on, then plug the cable back into the ipod. Give it a couple seconds and hopfully it will recognize the usb. The ipod interface is such a disappointment! You'll probably continue to have problems with it recognizing the usb, like I do and many others. disconnecting and reconnecting is really the only solution (that I've heard).
You may also want to verify that your ipod is a supported model. I spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out some unusual playback issues to then finally find the sheet from that describes what ipods are supported. Of course I had an old ipod that was not supported. After buying a new ipod touch, and using it the playback issues have gone away.
Picked up my Prius III with Nav yesterday. The Ipod USB works great with my two year old Nano, and it only took 30 seconds to get the Bluetooth linked with both of our LG UX280 cell phones--and the Satelitte radio still works. I've seen lots of complaints here, but none for me. Maybe Toyota has addressed some of the issues as the model year production has continued?
Well, I have an Iphone 3GS that is not included on the list of compatible Ipod models so I use the AUX. By summer there will be an upgrade to the Iphone OS to enable BT streaming. I can't wait! Here they're showing how they got it working on a Venza.
I had the same problem with my iPhone. Then I noticed that when I go from using the bluetooth streaming to plugging in the USB cable, it recognizes the iPhone and plays music 100% of the time. It works perfectly every time. Kind of strange but I'm happy with the results.