Engine Block Heater Plug Mount

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Accessories and Modifications' started by Jim05, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. Jim05

    Jim05 Occasional Quasi-Hypermiler

    Aug 22, 2009
    2010 Prius
    I wanted to install an EBH, but didn't want the cord hanging out front, so I devised the following to use my left fog light blank. I actually purchased a spare set from Spidey (Thanks!!!) in case I didn't get it right the first time. This will be a bit of a long thread, but hopefully will help anyone looking to do the same. This will also be several parts as I find the time to actually do the install.

    1. Buy a boat charger plug, some 12/14 gauge extension cable, a female plug, and optionally some of the other items pictured below. I used a Marinco 150BBI that I got off eBay).

    2. Tape both sides of the fog light blank to prevent tearout and hard-to-remove melting plastic from sticking to the blank.

    3. Use the retaining nut to trace your cut line around the previously taped inside of the fog light blank. You'll want drill from the inside to make it easier to press on the plastic without it flexing and making a mess of your hole.

    4. Using a 1-3/4 inch hole saw drill bit, drill a hole from the inside of the fog light blank. The size hole is actually 1-7/8, but these are an uncommon size for hole saw sets. It's easy enough to file out to fit anyway.


    5. File, check, file, check... until you get the fit nice and tight.





    Note the ground plug/wire is at the top. This is a standard electrician approach, and supports the drain hole being at the bottom in case water does find its way in.

    6. Carefully trim the excess melted plastic away to allow for a better final fit


    7. Use a nail and your fingers as a gauge to measure the required length of wire for the receptacle.

    8. Strip and trim the extension cord cable to the proper length indicated by the "fingers gripping nail" technique described above. I use a 2-step process to get just the right length. First, trim to the length indicated by the nail, cut the fiberglass flush with the external insulation and strip the wires. Second, trim an additional 1/2 inch from the external insulation (allows bending length for the wires to go into the receptacle), and trim the fiberglass again to flush.




    9. Insert the wires into the appropriate color holes and tighten them.


    10. (Optional) Color match your fog light blanks to the boat receptacle. Use mineral spirits to clean and prep the plastic for paint. I used Duplicolor Trim Black, and it matches the grilles very well in addition to matching the Marinco 150BBI. I also used a heat gun at low setting to hasten the drying time and slightly flatten the paint color.



    11. Slide the boot onto the extension cord from the unprepared end of the extension cord (this will be a bit challenging since it's a very tight fit).


    12. Apply silicon caulking on the inside of the mounting hole for the receptacle and tighten down the retaining screw. The silicon keeps the retaining screw on as well as preventing water from easily getting inside. Apply a bit more silicon around the boot mount and slide the boot mount on back of the plug.


    More in the next couple weeks after I install the EBH and figure out the wire routing and mounting.
    3 people like this.
  2. TheForce

    TheForce Stop War! Lets Rave! Make Love!

    May 30, 2005
    Wheelersburg, Ohio
    2006 Prius
    Looks good. The one issue I have with my Marinco inlet is the rubber cap. After about of year of use it no longer stays in place. It just keeps falling out. For me its not an issue because mine is located behind the license plate but you may have some issues in the future. I have not reported about this issue on my topic because I'm still looking for a simple solution.

    A spring loaded inlet would not work for me since it would be too thick to fit behind the license plate but it might be perfect for you since you would have plenty of room. Its just a thought in case you run into the same issue of the cap not fitting anymore. I would suggest anyone trying this on a Gen3 to go for the spring loaded inlet if you can find them.

    I would also suggest that you put 3 bolts in the 3 bolt holes that are on the Marinco inlet. This will help prevent pulling out the inlet when you pull out the electric cord. You could also loosen the prongs on the female end of the plug to help it slip on and off easier. Just jab a screw driver in the hols and twist a little. Just dont have the cord plugged in when you do it. :D
    2 people like this.
  3. Jim05

    Jim05 Occasional Quasi-Hypermiler

    Aug 22, 2009
    2010 Prius
    I was a bit concerned about the cap wearing out over time when I was debating between the different receptacles, and appreciate you validating my concern :). I figure I'll give it that year or so, and look to a spring-loaded cap when it does happen if I can't figure out a way to fix it (soft adhesive or similar).

    I was still debating about using the 3 screws, and plan to wait to find out how well/bad it works once I mount it before deciding. I'm actually more worried about having enough rigidity with the fog light blank or bumper than the plug, but I'll have to wait and see.

    Thanks again for the inputs and lessons -- I'm sure they'll come in handy.
  4. Jim05

    Jim05 Occasional Quasi-Hypermiler

    Aug 22, 2009
    2010 Prius
    I finally finished it this weekend, and it turned out pretty good I think. I didn't take pics of the install into the car since it's well covered in other threads with fog light installations. The only note I'll add to that is using waterproof electrical tape around the EBH plug to receptacle plug connection, as well as tie-strapping the wires to wire harnesses -- very easy to figure out and do.

    Anyway, here are some pics:

  5. spiderman

    spiderman wretched

    Jul 5, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Great job Jim!