It's this type of statement that sets my jets burning because people with agendas like many herein make these false or spurious statements, others repeat such drivel ( not you ) and then it becomes truth. Two people said it. Toyota has nearly $60 Billion in free cash and liquid assets and they are making over $1 Billion every single quarter now that things have righted themselves. In addition well-run companies set aside money for such contingencies ( I've heard a number of $5-$6 Billion ). Toyota is in better shape financially right now currently than any other vehicle maker on the planet. It's also one of the reasons why they're the target of the scammers. To do your part / my part keep the faith tell everyone you meet how great your experience is and run a grassroots campaign to undercut the liars and cheats and media manipulators. I've already sent an email to The Walt Disney Co that I will have nothing to do with any of their companies; TWDC, ABC, ESPN, the Disney stores, etc. It's one small personal effort.
How can people claim a loss of re-sale value, and pretend between 500 and 1000$ for problems that have not yet been proven true by *anybody* is beyond me. Like as if everybody tried to sell their Prius right now and hearing they are losing so and so much. Losing 3-600$ resale value on a car (I think this is what happened for the Prius the other week, right? on a reseller car website?) is what happens in any case each year you own a car... In the EU you loose already the *whole* VAT, in case you wanted to resell the car immediately - I don't need Toyota for that. Calculate 20% off of 27000€, and stop whining, please (not you on PC, I mean those who want a class action lawsuit).
Then this is my gift to you: Toyota: Sikes "intentionally misused" brakes to overheat them | PriusChat "NHTSA investigators were present during Toyota’s examination, and are conducting their own investigation of the vehicle and its performance. Toyota’s examination was also observed by a congressional staff member."
Toyota should just send out a free oil change coupon to every Toyota owner in consideration and compensation for any depreciation, whatever.... sign the card at the dealer, the dealer sends it into toyota- presto- cheap and direct 'settlement' I will say though, if Toyota rolls out some crazy extended warranty on 2010 models to entice new customers without extending it to existing 2010s, I will feel a little slighted... i'm bummed as it is about the lack of a USB port already.
Cars depreciate, more or less depending on the market value. If people decide to stop liking Toyota so much the resale will go down. If they like them more it will go up. there's this thing called supply and demand that helps drive it as well. Lets face it, the Tundra & FJ were a POS the first year but because people love Toyoat blindly they still sold. You simply can not predict the resale value of cars. Past performance does not DICTATE future performance...... BUy the car you like and get over it. AS much as I'm not a Toyota fan boy if I had to do it all over again I'd still buy a Prius. 1. It gets great gas mileage (our average is 47mpg) 2. It's a hatch back. If the Fusion were a hatch then it would have been a tougher decision.
Your post was on the 13th. The article came out on the 15th. And, I didn't get that from the article that this was in fact a hoax, just that some findings are inconsistent with the story. Perhaps other Unintended accelerations are also hoaxes as their findings cannot replicate the events? I guess there cannot be an errant signal causing these somehow, right?
+1 to the wouldn't take money from the suit - diminished value is only realized if you attempt to sell the car during a frenzy. I'd rather see Toyota be allowed to focus money on returning to having truly safe cars that aren't prone to hoaxes or user error. As the driving public becomes more accustomed and comfortable with "by wire" systems, people will be less likely to blame them when unknown failures that could be driver error take place.
The other incidents I am aware of tend to be Operator Error, not Hoaxes. As you drive in reverse, for example, it is easy to confuse left and right and operate the wrong pedal. The classic incident (not a Prius) involved a Lexus dealer putting on the wrong floor mats then renting the car to a driver not familiar with the controls. There have been incidents that do invite suspicion: UA into your Toyota Dealer's showroom, running over your wife, etc. but I would NOT classify most incidents as a hoax. I think there can be such a signal, I doubt it can be accidental. Any network can have 'man in the middle' spoof attacks, CANbus included. A truly determined hoaxer could design a computer to send the traffic needed to override Toyota's safeties. The Prius has a ODB-II port just under the steering wheel, I connect to it to monitor my Prius computer traffic. No one is claiming that is what happened, so far. ScanGaugeII - Scan Tool + Digital Gauges + Trip Computers is usually used to view data in the car's computer, but it can be used to alter data as well. Doing so by hand with a scangauge would not be quick enough to crash a Prius, but a computer designer could duplicate the interface. But not by accident.
I bet it's a Trunk Monkey. That little bugger has got himself a laptop, and now he is doing a man-in-the-middle attack. Well, really a monkey-in-the-middle attack. Well, not that either, really, since a Trunk Monkey is really a chimp, and they aren't monkeys. All of this gets very confusing. Tom
I should hope so ! One big fact people don't mention in this thread....If you bought your Prius.... 4 or 5 months ago....Chances are you paid 5-10% more then the customer today is buying it for...If Toyota and their dealerships read all your posts perhaps they would of held their price and not run special sales on it...Those of you that bought before all the hoopla, Are you all happy that you paid more for it ?...Say what you want , but if a brand new Prius is selling 5-10% less, your car being sold used will depreciate. This is not any owners fault that he has to take the $ hit for the nonsense that is happening. Hopefully , Toyota's reputation can rebound should you choose to sell your car at the fair price you thought. Should Toyota be forced to pay their owners reimbursement for depreciation or even a rise in auto insurance rates, you all will run to the bank to get your checks cashed.
Have you ever heard of a car going up in price ..once you have left the showroom ?..Think before you post !
And it isn't Toyota's fault either, but we know you disagree. And I doubt it happens. Has anyone ever won money for having normal depreciation for a new car without a written contract guaranteeing a higher price?
While it actually IS true that no one KNOWS there are "hoaxers" out there, I offer the following bits of information and/or insight that strongly suggest the POSSIBILITY of "hoaxers". 1 -- Toyota was initially ridiculed by the "police" for making their initial report re. the Jim Sikes Prius near San Diego BEFORE the "police" had finished their investigation. 2 -- When the "police" / NHTSA made their report, it mirrored the report that Toyota had made ... that MANY facts -- which is to say "things" determined to have been what happened as a result of the investigative findings -- simply did not "fit" with Sikes' original report, testimony, explanation, etc, and it was VERY PROBABLE that, in a word, Mr. Sikes lied ... or that, in a phrase, what Mr. Sikes said was FAR from being the whole truth. 3 -- When they took his Prius out on a test track, the car came to a stop EVERY TIME they stepped on the brake ... even if the "go pedal" was depressed simultaneously. 4 -- The woman in lower New York State who pulled out of a driveway, drove across a wide street and smashed into a stone retaining wall ... DRIVER ERROR is the latest report I've heard on this one; she hit the "go pedal" ... the throttle was "wide open" ... she had not applied the brake at all! This was determined by examining the "on board computer" .... 5 -- SINCE THE TWO ABOVE CASES WERE "RESOLVED" -- at the very least, resolved "for now" -- via their respective investigations: how many NEW cases of "runaway Toyotas" have you heard being reported? I haven't heard of a single one, and it's been nearly two weeks! Logic STRONGLY suggests that that some sort of a "hoax" is, at the very least, a POSSIBILITY, and that new, potential "would-be hoaxers" are coming to realize that it may not be quite as "easy" to get away with that "runaway Toyota" excuse as they may have thought a few short weeks ago.
Certainly. The Gen II Prius did this back when it had a big waiting list. Perhaps you should think before you post. Besides, whether it ever happens doesn't change the validity of the logic. Tom