This may be a totally dumb newbie question, but I just noticed the seat belt warning stickers on the visors of my 5 day old Prius. I didn't just want to try scraping it off before I check to see if there's an easier way to remove them.
There was an old thread on this over a year ago. It is not easy to do.
Those stickers are just like those tags on pillows and matresses and should not be removed under penalty of law. Who wants to get pulled over and have that fine tossed on top of whatever other violation the officer is writing? Be safe. I read it on the Internet so it must be true.
Thanks, SeaSalsa! I had tried searching, but I guess I didn't use the right word combo. Anyway I really liked the suggestions to cover them with photos or other placards....maybe for some of those inflammatory political statements I always wanted to make, but was afraid of reprisals. This way I can tuck them away when necessary.
A friend used CD holders to cover his visors. Not only do they cover them but they offer convenient storage for the CD's.
HOW TO REMOVE - SUN VISOR WARNING STICKERS SAFELY Use an iron set to medium and a damp white cloth. Place the cloth on the visor sticker, and iron till hot-steamy. Test the edge. With no resistance, peel slow while hot. WA LA OFF not use the iron directly on label or it won't work and followup comment: It came off clean. If you let it cool and some adhesive is on the visor, just use the dampened cloth and re-heat. It will stick to the cloth and not the visor. (pull off while hot) mine is clean as a whistle.