Most times when I'm gliding down from higher speeds I can feel something happen to the car at 43 MPH. I don't seem to be able to recreate the happening when gliding down from speeds close to 43, like fror 45, 46, 47, but from say 50 I can feel it almost 100% of the time. My guess is it is a generator or something disengaging, but that is PURE speculation on my part. There is certainly something that happens in the motor, transmission or hybrid system at 43 MPH when gliding (it may or may not be something engaging or disengaging). Would someone enlighten me please as to what it is?
I would like to know this as well. It's bugged me since the day I got the car and noticed it. It continues to re-gen, but almost like it spins up the ICE briefly then it cuts back off.
If you are gliding, it is most likely the ICE shutting down (0 rpm). Over 46mph or so it must spin even though no gas is being consumed. Just a guess.
I guess it could be the ICE shutting down, but I never feel it shut down when I go into glide at lower speeds. Say I accelerate up to 35, let off to shut off the ICE and go into glide, I never fell the sensation I feel at 43 MPH. Also, when the ICE is warming and reaches stage whatever and shuts off at lower speeds (30-40), I have never noticed this 43 MPH sensation.
Most likely it is the ICE starting to spin, or shutting down, depending on whether you are speeding up or slowing down. At around that speed the Prius needs to spin the ICE to keep MG1 from going too fast. If you transition up and down over that speed the Prius will start and stop the ICE repeatedly, which is not a good thing for mileage. Note that the ICE will not necessarily be burning gas, but it will be spinning. Tom
After a brilliant flash of light and a pair of burning tire marks, you will find yourself in another era...
Burning tire marks from a Prius?? THAT would be impressive! One thing I did notice when this phenomena happens, is that the iMPG display will go from being pegged at 100 (maxed out at the top) jump down to around 50 and immediately shoot back up. I would think that if the ICE was being shut off, this would seem kind of odd, no? Maybe it's just one of those weird things that happens, but it is a little pronounced. Picture the re-gen cut out that the 2010 was recalled for, and it's a much scaled down version of that in feel. Doesn't bother me, as I've become accustomed to it. Kind of wish I could hook up the SG and pay attention to it when that happens. Of course, that would be a little distracting and I try to avoid distractions as much as possible while driving.
If you think about it @ that speed, the engine is providing some drag as it is spinning but not providing any power/torque. Once is shuts down, MG1 compensates and it is that transition we probably feel. I know as the car gets more miles on it things seem to be less pronounced (breaking in).
In some models (built around 1980s or so), at 43mph the "Selective Pollution Eliminating Enforcement Device" becomes active at which point the vehicle must maintain speeds at or above 43mph but never enter the "PWR" territory of the energy display or else the batteries will suffer critical damage and explode with sufficient force to destroy not only the offending Prius but any other (especially traditional ICE vehicles) in the nearby 50 feet vicinity. I believe that evolutionary nature of this design has mainly relegated these vehicles to the museum or scrap yard.
All right, so the answer lies somewhere between a to and finishing with So as best as I can tell, all the we actually know so far about what happens when deceleraterating at 43 MPH (about 70 KPH for those of you with that type of speedo) is that we don't know what is happening at 43 MPH.
I'm not 100% sure about the GenIII, but with the GenII, if you look at the MFD closely you can see it. If you are going under 40 mph on electric, and start going downhill, you will start to speed up. When you're coasting, you will be seeing the regeneration arrows. At 41mph (GenII) you will see, for just the slight part of a second, the regeneration arrows change to battery power and then back to regeneration. At that speed (and above) the ICE is spinning, but not burning any gasoline.
Tom (qbee42), If it is the ICE, (and I'm not doubting that it could be), I'd just like to see something in the form of documentation supporting it, but you have me wondering if you're that sure about it. In your original post you did start it off with "Most likely......" You don't sound exactly certain of you diagnosis there, Also, in the Gen 3, I believe the MG1 is able to spin at higher speeds than in the Gen 2, which I think has something to do with the Gen 3 being able to stay on electric motor up to 46 MPH. If this were happening at 46 MPH, then the ICE cut out would seem to fit the puzzle, but at 43, it would seem that the Gen 3 should have been cruising along in a glide without the ICE quite happily.
So it happens at 41 on the Gen 2. That lends more weight to Toms belief that it is the ICE at 43 in the Gen 3.
I said "most likely" for two reasons: 1) I am an engineer, and by nature I hate to use absolutes without a rigorous proof. 2) Prius make all sorts of weird noises, bumps, and thumps. Each poster has his own way of describing them. Usually we can guess pretty well, but sometimes it's hard to say for sure based on a written description. Tom