CNN seems to think that Congress is getting close to approving the highway bill, which includes approval for states to allow single occupancy hybrids in HOV lanes:
Looks like they did it. We just need a promised signature from Mr. Prez and some (I hope) quick work by the California DMV and we'll be set. That tax credit thang in the Energy Bill seems a bit hazy and/or doubtful but this HOV stuff really looks like it's happenin'!
I know, this is great. And I was beginning to give up hope! How long will it take W to sign it? Maybe Monday or Tuesday? And then what, a week or so for the DMV to update their site to take apps for Hybrids? And then maybe a two ot three week turnaround? So maybe September we could be cruising? I wonder if we will be able to go in to the DMV to get the sticker rather than waiting for the main office to send it out? EDIT: Okay, I just realized that you have to take your car into the DMV to get you car inspected before they issue you a sticker (which will then only be mailed to you)...
Wow, that would suck. Do you think they would/could do this? I hope the rule about only a certain amount of stickers being issued total will be there only way to keep control of the Prius carpool over-population... BTW, how long does the current CA bill allow for hybrid carpool lane use? Was it 2008?
That will probably mean a TON of more Prius sales in California. I estimate you will not be able to buy one anywhere when this starts getting big play in the News. Cathy Orange County Prius Club
That's a GREAT point, Cathy. I have a few friends who are on the fence so I'm trying to convince them. I am actually thinking about getting a second one, maybe I should now before the wait goes back up...
The $2750 Fed Tax Credit looks pretty real to me. But your purchase has to be after Jan 01, 2006 to qualify.
I am very curious to see the public reaction to allowing single-occupancy hybrids in the HOV lane here in CA. Of course the usual HOV lane debate about their benefit will be raised (as it was here in a previous thread). But, I am sure some folks will think it is unfair for us to be in the lane and I expect to get a lot of angry looks as I pull into and out of the HOV lane.
Well we could be like some of the idiots I see cruising along in the HOV lane solo in a regular old car all the time. As a matter of fact, I just saw one today, they really couldn't care less, I'm sure, only until mr police man comes along!
Here's one: Hybrids in the carpool lane "Carpools are meant for one reason; taking cars off the road. Allowing a hybrid to go through the carpool lane with a solo passenger defeats this purpose." She did get the Prius mileage wrong. "In Consumer Reports’ real-world driving test, the Toyota Prius averaged 35 mpg, much less than the EPA average of 54 mpg." I don't know of any Prius drive that gets 35 mpg. I don't think there is anything aside from hauling a trailer uphill that will get your that low a mileage. She got a few other statistics wrong on efficiency and price too. "Hybrids work best when they are under 25 mph, mainly being used to run around town. They also cost more, sometimes up to $7,000 more." I think she forgot the "you have to plug it in" part and the "replace the battery after 2 years and it will cost you $12,000. " Oh, and if you get in an accident you'll be electrocuted.
Of course they give no link to email this ditz. One of her figures uses the $3 saved by using the HOV over the Bay Bridge. She then multiplies that by the 75,000 allowed in the HOV and says the bridge district will lose that money too. So how does she figure all 75,000 hybrids cross the bridge every day during the commute? What a math whiz she is. I have the consumer reports in front of me she is quoting. Their figures are: CR's Overall 44mpg CR's City/Highway 35/50mpg CR's 150-mile trip 48mpg As I recall they define "real world" as the 150 mile trip which involves city and highway driving.