So my wife turns on our Prius this morning and starts driving. She looks at the Energy screen and nothing is happening. No little wheels moving, the picture of the battery is gone, and nothing is happening! She hits the Climate button and the screen says "Please check AC connection." She hits the Audio button and that screen is blank! What the hey!? So she drives the car back home and turns it off and back on again. Same thing happens. She turns it off and on again, and then it is fine. We then drive it to the dealer to have them check it out. We'll see what they say but I am guessing that if they can't recreate the problem, they won't be able to fix it. Anyone else heard of this happening or are we just the lucky ones? Thanks!
I haven't experienced a similar problem but it sounds a little like the MFD is acting up. There is a TSB on problems with the display. Try a search on MFD & TSB.
Sounds like you have the dreaded problem that calls for replacement of your MFD... There are posts about the problem you describe.
Thanks! I'll do some more searching... That sounds about right, though. I noticed last weekend that I would have to hit the screen two or three times to get my touch to register.
Soooo...of course they couldn't replicate the problem! I even asked if I take pix of the problem and bring it in would that be okay and they said that it wouldn't and that they have to replicate the problem or they can't fix it. I guess it makes sense... Oh well, maybe this was a one time thing! Yeah, right....
Yike...I just experienced the EXACT problem with my 04 display this week!! It gave me the same "check AC connection..." message and various blank screen. I plan to take it to my local (Cerritos) dealer next week, but any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated? :| Brian
I would suggest taking it to the dealer only if you are sure they can recreate the problem. I am going to go directly to the closest dealer as soon as this problem happens again. I am hoping that when I pick up the car in the morning the problem will occur and I can show them exactly what is happenning.... Good luck!
this is a well known problem, get them to contact Toyota and get the real story on the "check A/C connection". I can't believe this far down the road the dealers don't have the abillity to contact the regional service rep and get this corrected.
Frank...this is a "well known" problem? Is this a quick fix or a complete MFD replacement...which could take weeks, no? I need my car for commuting! Also, do you have any type of "reference" I can take with me in case they don't have the info and can't recreate the problem as Erick pointed out? Brian
back last spring we on PC saw a bunch of these complaints and the MFD repalcement is what is required. Can't give you an exact date but about June of last year, if you do some searching here on PC you should uncover it.
Thank you so much for the TSB link!!! I love this board...just second to my Prius. I've posted the link on the other board in case anyone else might need it. I'm taking my baby in today...pray for me!!! A little separation anxiety...
Thanks for the TSB link., downloaded it for future reference, in case it happens to mine. I got a 2005 without Nav...Anyone having problems with that "vintage"?
To try and reproduce the problem, try making the cabin really cold. Many have found the problem crop up with the screen cold. I take it you have an early to mid 2004 model year? They fixed the problem I think May or June production. If you have NAV, you'll find the new screen will let you toggle between Energy and Consumption screen by pressint the INFO button on the steering wheel. If you don't have NAV, you don't have that button.
Making the cabin cold will lead to this problem, huh? Well, that sounds about right. It's been quite hot around SoCal lately, and my A/C has been on a lot more. My wife was the first to encounter the problem and I know she uses the A/C at the drop of a hat. I took my car in today and they're ordering a new display to Wednesday, they said. I don't have NAV, but should wouldn't mind having one.
No...the service guy just looked at it and said fine, they'll take care of it. I made a point of showing him a copy so he knows that I know about this issue. He was most cooperative and called later to tell me that they were ordering the new display. Let's see if he'll walk the talk!!
We actually took delivery of the car March 05 and have NAV... Hasn't acted up since Thursday but now I have a printout of the TSB in my car so if it happens again, I have proof. Then again, I wouldn't take it back to that dealer regardless.