Since Toyota forgot to put a lock on the glove compartment in the Gen3, I have invented my own version. Excellent visual deterence. Toyota guys (if you are there), don't try to copy it as I am applying for a world-wide patent now. Forum friends, feel free to use my design.
Hey guys, it's just a joke. It's just too boring on a Sunday afternoon. I was at Home Depot earlier and bought the latch, used some double-sided type to put it on at the front. Who would be that stupid to really put it on like that? Hope you all enjoy the laugh.
In this day and age, nothing would surprise me anymore I bet at least one person here ran to their garage looking for a lock and latch after reading the post.
You didn't really screw it into the two lids? C'mon, man, live a little. . Except you want a better padlock. That looks like one of the types that if you pull lightly on the shackle and spin the knob, you can feel exactly where the combo disks drop in. Pop. . _H*
I just put one on my Gen II and after drilling and screwing the thing on I realised anyone looking through the window will think there is something pretty valuable in that glovebox!! Anyone know a good plastic welder in Adelaide?