The current issue of Mother Earth News has listed their favorite green cars. Prius is among their favorites but they don't seem to love Prius as much as Consumer Reports. The Toyota recall scandal has definitely hurt the Prius brand and image. I hope it rebounds. -Josh 2010 Prius III 2010 Best Green Cars
The best green car should be Honda Clarity. Thats real green and not in terms of how much petrol money. The whole green issue is to do with carbon output and the Honda Clarity pruduces none and only H2O.
It's not their top pick--listed as one of their green choices: Ford Fusion Hybrid, The Honda Civic Hybrid, the Honda Insight, the Toyota Prius, the Volkswagen Golf TDI and the Volkswagen Jetta TDI. I guess they just listed them in alpha order so not that bad, I guess.
You local dealer has Honda Clarity on the shop floor ready for delivery? Cool. How much CO2 is produced in producing the fuel for the Clarity?
No, the best green car would be Doc Brown's revised DeLorean. Only takes a banana peel and a half-empty beer can, and it flies too!
I've seen that car at the LA autoshow a few years ago. This is the car that is for lease only for about $600 a month.
Clarity? Hydrogen? ound: Right. Very funny. The article is trying to be serious ... or maybe you just don't know what you're saying. Here. Read this: