I have seen te leather wipes being sold at most stores. Is wiping the seats with these periodicaly sufficient for maintaining the leather interior ? I have not had a leather interior car before so I'm not what the best way is to maintain it. Thanks.
This is all I use once every few weeks, with a micro fiber towel. It cleans great and keeps the car smelling like a new car with leather seating surfaces... Leather Care Spray - Interior Detailing - Car Care - Griot's Garage
Didn't we already have this discussion? Maybe more than once? There are lots of decent products for leather cleaning and conditioning. Saddle soap is NOT one of them.
I would say that the nicest thing about leather seats is they wear really nicely. Our 2000 Honda Accord with leather seats look brand new even after two little kids and 200K miles. Never did anything but wipe off spilled drinks. The cloth seats in our Subaru didn't fare so well . We have leather in our Prius IV and my plan is to do nothing. We can all have this discussion again in a few years and you can all learn if this was a good idea or not.
Use any leather cleaner of your choice. As noted the smell will often enhance your interior with "new car smell".
Use a good leather cleaner and then a conditioner. Lexol is decent, not the best but good enough. Blue Magic makes one too. I think the Zaino "Leather Soft spray cleaner" is one of the best I have ever used, but it is mainly by mail order, which is a pain. I would look at the nearest auto parts store or Walmart or Target. They all work far better than wipes, especially Armor All wipes. I would only used them on vinyl.
If you research leather furniture and auto seats you will find that nearly all have a protective finish applied that prevents most products from actually getting to the leather. Actually Pledge is as good as anything------you do not want to remove the protective finish (a plastic) from the leather.
gjones, Why have you been a member since August and now choose to post for the first time ever on a thread about leather. No malice intended but it seems strange.
Just the subject caught my attention -----having had leather seats on cars for some time about a year ago I finally went to the Internet and looked up how to care for them. Found that only a few luxury European cars still use 'unfinished' or unprotected leather. All else have a pvc - if I remember right, applied on the surface------so expensive leather cleaners never reach the leather.
I guess the true reason I replied is that I had a few minutes with nothing else to do and checked Prius Chat. I have had absolutely no problems with my Prius. Just interested in what is going on.