We have a 2004 with ~50K miles on it. It has always had an annoying behavior that recently seems to be getting worse (or maybe I'm fixating on it). When slowing to a stop, it transitions from regenerative to regular braking. The regenerative braking is nice and smooth, but at about 2 mph the friction brakes seem to really increase dramatically and immediately- like they are camming up or something. I noticed one of the rear wheels even locked up for a second today. I have to really ease off the brakes at 2-3 mph or it is a very abrupt stop. Any ideas? I thought I might need new pads, but after searching here, I doubt that is the case. Maybe rust? They aren't noisy like rust brakes often are (still, I'm going to coast/brake to see if that helps). TIA, Jason
Have you cleaned them recently? Prius brakes tend to crud up from lack of use, but there is an easy fix: On an empty road, drive up to 40 mph or so, shift to N, and brake to slow down. Repeat this a few times. Braking in N forces the Prius to use the friction brakes, which helps clean off the rust and dirt. Tom
Tom, Thanks for the quick reply. I took it out on the road and followed your suggestion. It is much, much better. Funny, the brakes didn't sound like they had much rust (and I"m familiar with the sound). So, thanks much for the help- problem solved, case closed, and I owe you one internet beer (or beverage of your choice). Cheers, Jason
You don't hear much dirt noise because the brakes don't get used much at speed. Mostly you hear a little scraping at low speed. I'm glad it worked out for you. Tom