NBC News tonight features a story on how the insurance companies are training rescuers to cut us out of our Hybrid in the event of a serious accident. Details as to where to cut, to avoid the bright orange wiring et al which holds high voltage, to wear rubber gloves... No rescuer has been electrocuted yet and they do not want it to happen. Somewhat reassuring. I guess.
They actually implied that it was easier to cut into the Hybrids on the designated, virtual dotted lines. Disable the battery by switch if possible and otherwise you wouldn't want to be a color blind rescuer for the orange colored elements.
Once again the media is making it up as they go along ... In a serious accident where the airbags deploy, the HV system is supposed to fail safe: the relays open and the system is dead. If there is a dead short across the cables, and the relays are still on, the fuse in the NiMH pack opens or "blows." What about the risk to rescue personnel of undeployed airbags? http://www.volunteerfd.org/archive/icar.php Say your Prius is involved in a frontal or frontal offset crash, and the side thoracic and curtain airbags do not deploy. There is a risk to rescue personnel of triggering the undeployed airbags if they should happen to cut into the sensor system or the charge wires.
Some time ago, someone posted the "official" Emergency Response Crew "how to perform a rescue with a hybrid vehicle". That's not the actual title, but you know what I mean. I printed it and keep a copy in my glove box. In the event of a roll-over - assuming I'm conscious - I'll hand it to them as they approach.
T: Here ya go. Also the Dismantling guide for salvage yards. If it already isn't in the KB could somebody please put it there? J
You can't completely rely on the fuse. There's a lot of current that can legitimetly flow, so if the relay is stuck on, but no dead short, there is a potential for shock, especially in wet environments. It doesn't take much current to be deadly. What determines current flow through you is resistance of your skin between contact points, and the voltage trying to push through. But I grant you, the dangers are minimal. There's slightly more danger towing the vehicle with the front wheels on the ground when PARK is not engaged. In such a case, MG2 can generate voltage, and if its wires are exposed, then you have live exposed voltage with even greater potential than the battery.
I work with paramedic/firefighters who recently attended a "hybrid" extrication class and have asked me bring my Prius for a "show and tell" at one of the local fire stations. Toyota has issued a 2nd generation Emergency Response Guide that can be found at http://techinfo.toyota.com/public/main/2ndprius.pdf The complex electrical system, multiple airbags that may not deploy at the same time, and fact that the auto can be on yet totally quiet were some of the areas that separated the hybrid from other vehicles related to emergency response. I also carry a copy of the 2004 response guide in my auto. I am on my 2nd tank of gas and really like the car!
That's true, forgot about the fact the car could still be mechanically sound, and 'on', yet dead silent. But if an airbag deployed, I don't think it would be 'on' anymore. Any of you guys who had an airbag deploy in a minor accident want to testify to this?