When I dial a number through the car, if I press the hangup button after a few rings, the audio system comes back on. Call over. Not really. Low and behold, 10 seconds later, the phone system cuts back in when the number I had called picks up. It seems that pressing the hangup button gives the appearance of having hung up, but in fact the phone is connected. Anyone experience this? Ideas? Thanks.
Let's start with finding out what model phone you have. Secondly, verify all of your Handsfree options that can be set within the phone. I'm thinking that your phone may be configured to transfer the call back to the handset when the handsfree is not in use. I'd also verify all of your Bluetooth settings within the phone as well.
Thanks. It's a T616. I should remind you that after the call connects the Hang Up button will end the call. It's just if I try to hang up while it's ringing, that it doesn't really -- it just looks like it does. Here are the BT settings in my phone: OUTGOING CALLS -- X In Handsfree In Phone Always Ask CAR HANDSFREE X Advanced Power Save Anything wrong there? Any other place to look? Cheers...
Fortunately, I also have a T616 and haven't experienced this problem. The settings look good, but just to be sure, here are the other settings in my phone: Connect/Bluetooth/My Devices/My Handsfree (or whatever you've named it) If you select My Hansfree from the above path, and then select Services, you should see Handsfree. Connect/Bluetooth/Options/Visibility/Show Phone Connect/Bluetooth/Options/Phone Services/(should have Hansfree, Headset) Settings/Handsfree/Answering Mode/Normal Settings/Handsfree/Handsfree Type/Automatic Make sure you have the last two set as well!