Actually, (as other posters have stated) I've seen the price of the Prius dropping every since the 2010 model was announced, that is before it was even available for sale. In fact - this may come as a surprise. I had looked into buying a used Prius 2 years ago but we had just gotten out of the $4 per gallon gas era and a used Prius cost just about what a new one would cost. So 6 months went by and I bought a 2010 Insight for my wife. What I didn't realize until a week after I bought the Insight was that the price of a used Prius had dropped a lot! So about 6 months after buying my wife the Insight, I bought myself a used Prius. if I had it to do all over again, I might have just bought 2 used Prius's. it would have been cheaper. Don't get me wrong, we are very happy with our 2010 Insight and it actually gets better mileage (48 mpg) than the Prius (44 mpg). But for the $22,000 I spent on the Insight, we could have bought 2 used Prius's. I've also been watching the price of the Prius over the last 6 months trying to find one for a family member. I've seen no change in the resale value during this whole "gas pedal" crisis.
I just bought a 2010 mazda 6 last night also and will be trading in the prius. With all the crap thats going on about this car I feel better just cutting my lose and moving on. Yes I should just keep it and drive it the problem is my wife wont drive the car and I cant make her drive it and we both use the car. PriusLewis see you at the mazda 6 forum.
it still surprises me that many feel that being connected to Toyota or the Prius is the main requirement here. sure, its nice to have a common bond, but my feeling is the common bond at Priuschat is Man caring about the future of Mankind.
Prius prices/values tend to track pretty closely with the price of gas/oil - should be no surprise, really. I think the recent stability in Prius prices is due to the upward creep of gas offsetting any perceived loss of value due to recalls. If you really wanted to make a killing, you would buy a Prius now while they're cheap, sell it when oil spikes again and buy an SUV for pennies on the dollar, then when oil drops again, sell the SUV for a profit and buy another Prius.
Best of luck! Just can't help to ask what's wrong with his 2006 for him to jump to Mazda ship? Due to media-frenzy? free-fall of trade-in price? These hardly are excuses if a newer car is all he wants....
This just doesn't make any sense!!! You guys are baffling. Why spend more money on another car? You have a perfectly good car. You would have saved money by keeping it for 10 years. At least you get to blame your wife. But if that's a hoax, and she really has no problem driving the car and you are just blaming her for your fears it will come out and someone will post a thread about yet another Prius hoax! You have been warned. On a side note... one would think environmental concerns are one of the main reasons people would buy a Prius. I don't know your reasons for your original purchase but it astounds me that so many people just toss out perfectly good cars (Prius) to upgrade to a newer Prius. That's not environmentally conscious. It takes a lot of energy and resources to build a new car so the environmentally conscious thing to do is keep your Prius as long as it runs properly and there's no major changes in technology.
While I care about the environment, I don't really go out of my way to show or act on that concern. The 2010 prius looks good (to me) and gets great gas milage. More and more people are buying hybrids because theyre appealing and/or make some sense outside of purely environmental concerns.
+1 I think PriusLewis was/has been around long enough to know that the jesters aren't to be taken to seriously, too. Time marches on. Best wishes señior.
I got the newer Prius for the same reason I switched cars every other time. I wanted to. It was newer, it was cooler. And it's not like I'm throwing my old care into the garbage bin. I'm enabling someone with (most likely) an even crappier car to get into a used Prius and possibly discard their old polluter. Financially speaking though, I'm stimulating the economy.. or at least the pockets of the sales people and the dealership.