When I bought my Prius two months ago, I was told to expect comments from non-Prius owners. But the only comment I have received came in a supermarket parking lot where a woman asked me if my Prius was an "electric car?" What reactions have any of you received? :roll:
When there's a new passenger in the car, I love to turn off the AC and radio at a light and wait for their reaction. It usually only takes a few seconds before they notice how QUIET it is. The display screen facinates EVERYONE, even my 94 year old Aunt. First time she saw it, my mother commented, "What a small car." I made her sit in the back seat for the ride to the restaurant. She loves my car now, especially the backseat, which has lots of leg room! We've scared many a pedestrian. For some reason, people have forgetten what their parents taught them: "Look both ways before crossing the street." We had one guy just step off the curb right infront of us! AUGH!!! Thank god for good brakes and going under the speed limit. And I can't forget the ever popular, "So, where's the plug?" question. *slams head into desk*
I've only had my car three days and so far no strangers have approached me to ask about it. However I can see it from my office window and have noticed a few people every day walk into the driveway to look at it. The friends I've shown it to have all assumed that the tow plug is where I have to plug the car in every night.
I was told that the Priuses are driving the gasoline prices up by this d**khead who was complaining how much $$ he spends on his commute! Other than that only one coworker asked me about it and was amazed about the mileage, besides that no one else has said anything to me. Ohh and yes, I did get "Where do you you plug it in" question
I've only had the Prius a couple of weeks, getting mostly postive feedback. Most folks that I know are suprised that I'm driving a smaller non-sports car, in the past I've either driven full size sedans or sporty coupes. Since I'm leaving a job that has a company car, many of my soon to be ex-coworkers ask what I'm doing for a car and I've had probably 20-30 conversations about the Prius. Still a very common mis-conception that the Prius needs to be plugged in at night. Of those that have seen the car they are very suprised on the roominess of the interior, especially the back seats. Overall the opinion that I'm hearing is it's a good thing for the environment, the economy and national security. Don't think I've made many Prius converts yet, but the company fleet will be offering the Ford Escape hybrid and some of them will probably check it out, depending on how much of an extra charge it is for them to upgrade from the base sedan offered. Cheers, Jeff
maggieddd, did the dickhead explain his, uhh, reasoning? JeffHart, what negative feedback have you received?
I've been tempted to stick an electrical plug in there and show it, if asked. Then say something like, "Yeah, charges in 2 hours. Uses as much current as a 15-watt bulb."
We had our Prius parked on the Wharf during the annual Woody's on the Wharf gathering here in Santa Cruz. The woman next o us was fishing and told us after we got back that a lot of people had stopped to look and comment on our Prius (All positive). Apprantly Woody-folk really appreciate the blacked out Prius with the green flames. Also, everyone who had sat in the back seat loves the car. Plenty of leg room (more then a 03 Passat), enough head room and the dark tint makes it very cozy and relaxing. --GD
He said, since people are buying less fuel because of Priuses therefore they have to raise the prices of gasoline to make up the cost.
Strangest one I've had so far came yesterday, from a passenger who said she was surprised that we get enough sunny days in Ohio to power a car like this.
LOL! Did you tell her that it was the extra tint and the angle the windows that help it really absorbed all the extra sunlight!
I just remembered, the other day I've heard these 2 comments. "What are you going to do when the battery goes bad? They are like $8000, I've heard", I was mean and said "Don't worry, it will last longer than you'll probably live" and "I've heard that their mileage drops a lot if you go over 60mph", I said "Yeah, just like in any other car", he goes "Yeah, you're right"
People are amazed when I open a rear door and they see the legroom. They have asked, "Yeah, but what about rear legroom with the front seat all the way back?" and I tell them, "It already is." Stunned silence. "How much mileage do you get again?"
I've had mine for 3 weeks and haven't had many comments from strangers. As for friends and family: A few people have asked if I have to plug it in. One asked about replacing the battery. Most are impressed with my mileage, and I "only" get about 49 mph. Most have asked if I had to wait long to get the car. Most think that the coolest things are the SKS and watching the energy flow on the MFD.
One night after rehearsal I was able to show the Prius to other cast members. As we walked to the car, I asked Louise to open the passenger door so I could get my (Bluetooth) phone out for a demonstration. She walked ahead to the Prius and of course could not open the door. Then I did something goofy (not unusual in itself). I said to her, "Oh, right. You haven't been introduced." As I walked up to the Prius, I said, "Herbie, this is Louise. Now try it." And of course she opened the door. She may never look at another car again! (As another Herbie learned, she's much too young for me.) Thank goodness everyone had a good sense of humor. With the passenger door open in the parking lot, I opened my side (no keys) and started the Prius (also no keys). This gave a good interior view to several cast members watching from the right side. Comments focused on the display and dash, with some appreciation for the legroom (many dancers) and hatch (stage crew).
A couple of weeks ago, the wife and I were getting into the car in the Home Depot lot, of course we were parked next to the cart corral. We powered up the car and backed out of the parking spot. As I was about to drive away, my wife says, "I think that lady wants something". There was this lady putting her cart away and looking in our direction with the look of shear panic on her face. I rolled down the window and she comes running over to us, she then says "I - What - thought it was rolling back, I didn't hear the engine start" (just as the ICE kicks on right on que) :crazyeyes: "What is this? And it's great looking too" So it was a brief Nickel tour, then we drove away with her saying "My husband and I need to see the Toyota dealer!"
stating gas mileage figures can get some pretty funny reactions from non-Prius owners. yesterday i was getting gas and the guy across the pump island asked me if i had one of those "gas-electric things" i said yes and he asked how i liked it and i told him i loved it and i mentioned that i get about 57 mpg in the summer time. he answered back that he was "only" getting about 39 mpg. he was driving a mid-eighties full sized station wagon. as much as i tried, i could not stifle a small giggle. we didnt exchange any other words after that.
I've had a lot of people roll down their windows at stoplights and ask questions. My favorite time was when a late-40's woman in an old minivan yelled in a deep southern accent, "That thang's so coool!"
I don't get any comments at the gas station, and I've only had one person (at a parking lot) asking me how does it feel to drive it. One time I took a member of our church home. He's blind so he couldn't comment on shape or color. He did enjoy the ride greatly. He liked the way he could get into (and out of) the car. He especially liked the sounds the NAV system made while giving directions. He also liked how quiet the ride is. He wants the next car his wife gets to be a hybrid. The biggest downside for him and the Prius was that Climate and Audio are part of the MFD, making it much harder to operate without looking. Sure you can memorize which button brings up the Climate screen, but then try to figure out where the fan control is. That would mean that his wife would have to operate all the controls.
I've had one neighbor quite arrogantly pronounce to his friends as they were checking out the new car, "I've read that the Prius isn't as efficient to buy as people think..." After my jaw dropped at the rudeness (it's akin to saying, "wow, I guess it's too bad your baby's ugly" because I already have it home!!!!) I said "Compared to what? I could've spent less on a cheapo car but they aren't even in the same league, look at all you get here." (Note: He just bought the high end Acura but no GPS...I have the BC package...I win!) He said "I mean about saving gas and environment and stuff" I said "I get 49mpg and I drive like a maniac over 80-85 on the freeway." "But you spend alot just for a bit of fuel efficiency" I could've preached about the tax break I'm getting, the cumulative savings on an ever increasing gas price...etc, but instead I just ended it with "Yeah, well you also could buy some really cheap, nasty, chemical-pumped food at the grocery store but I see you paying more for the environmentally good stuff at Trader Joe's." Silence. I shoot, I score!!! (I gloat)