cheap way to connect ipod to prius?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by twelveoclock, Jul 29, 2005.

  1. twelveoclock

    twelveoclock New Member

    Jul 29, 2005
    I honestly know nothing about the inner workings of my prius, I just know I have a stock stereo without a casette player, and that I'm looking for a cheap way to connect my iPod to my prius.

    I bought a Belkin Auto Kit thinking it would play my iPod through the stereo, but it just charges and I found out I need to connect the iPod to an Auxiliary Line?

    I have no clue what this is, is there already one in the car, or do I have to buy it separate? All of the stuff I've seen that have aux-line in adaptors or whatever cost over a hundred bucks, and I'm looking for a much cheaper solution?

    I don't really care about being able to use the stereo or steering wheel buttons, just as long as my iPod plays.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  2. bnlfanmatt

    bnlfanmatt Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Southwest suburbs of Chicago
    You need an FM modulator then. Something iPod specific, like the iTrip, or just a generic one they sell at RadioShack. Look into those. That's going to be your cheapest option without a cassette deck.
  3. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    Been down this road a lot... bnlf is right, the cheapest is FM modulation.. however, the sound quality is less than some sort of direct input. You might be happy with it, you might not. I can tolerate it, but it's only a matter of time before I get some sort of AUX input (of which there is NONE on your deck, however there are devices you can buy that plug into the CD changer port on the back of your stereo for which you can connect things to, making it an AUX port)...
  4. twelveoclock

    twelveoclock New Member

    Jul 29, 2005
    Thanks for the input. I know the FM transmitter is one of my options, but I'm not sure if I would approve of the sound quality.

    Would it still cost a few hundred dollars to get something that would turn my cd player into an AUX port?
  5. ScubaX

    ScubaX Member

    Mar 29, 2005
    Redding, CA
    2005 Prius
    It's quality vs dollars, the less spent the lower the quality. You can get a battery operated FM modulator for under $25 from Radio Shack. That kind broadcasts your iPod onto a preselected FM signal. You will get interference from FM stations on or near the same frequency. The next step up is about $60 and is also an FM modulator, but it connects directly to the antenna. It has less interference but is harder to install. Both of these will have quality less than FM radio. Add to that the compression scheme of your music (mp3 or whatever Apple uses) and it will be ok to listen to but if your into music, it will not work for you long. The best solution is of course more expensive. Search these forums for Aux Pod and see what people are saying about them. I believe they run around $150 with the added harness needed. With this set up you will have some control over the iPod with your steering controls.

    Also, you might want to check out Coastaltech as that interface promises to integrate the iPod with your MFD.