The numbers are in -- Southern CA dealers get to divvy up 121 cars (between 57 dealers) ... uhhhhh .... whee. Based on my own rate of earnings, perhaps only 5 will come to me, I think, guessing. I hope more. But, that's still a low amount of cars to a region that sells a lot of these Prii. I have 5 TRAC cars that are rent-able though. I can rent what you cannot find to buy, LOL! Dianne
Got three cars I did OK on the allocation - I did 3% of the Prius allocated, or 3 cars! I got three BC (package 9 cars) and of course, all are sold already. I hope to see more for the back half of the region's mid-month allocation (for cars at month-end) but for now, that is what's up for us. Dianne
Unfortunatley for me, my car was not among the three cars that Dianne got in. Starting to sound like the Dodgers: wait until the end of the month. Jeff
It could be worse - you could be a Cubs fan, where our motto is "Wait till next century! 74 days on the wait list for a BC Silver.