A car is not an asset. Its like an appliance. If you didn't plan on getting a stove and now you suddenly need a stove you probably are going to need to finance it.
Well no regrets here on my prius (although it is a gen II)... As to the finance vs. cash, it depends on lots of factors. If you pay cash, you dont get interest on the money you would have had. If you finance, you lose interest. It's lose/lose when buying a depreciating item. That's why I dont buy new vehicles and look frugally for months for a great deal. I got a great deal on my car, and if I were to sell it right now as a dealer trade-in in "good" condition I would still be ahead of the game after sale price + tax + title. Good deals are out there, you just have to wait! But again to stay on-topic, no regrets. Once I get my PHEV conversion done, I will be the happiest camper on earth for 3-4 years until I inevitably get bored and buy something completely different like usual.
I apologize for derailing this thread, but since you've modified your OP, no need to discuss it any further.
I wouldn't worry about a car that I leased. In realistic terms it's like renting a car on a long term so things like color shouldn't matter. As long as the car runs well and you are happy with the performance, I say don't worry about it. Do I regret buying my Prius? Nope. The only thing I do wish it had was less rattles and squeeks but that's a different conversation.
nope. That's why I got the top model. I have a slight regret for not waiting for the Misty Grey but then again, my dark grey already has some denim rub on it so at least on a dark grey interior, it's not noticeable.
Actually the best way is to have someone else pay the lease for a few years while you drive it, like my company car, and then when it's down to residual value, pay cash that you saved up over 3 years, and avoid paying usery on the money. the best of everything, new car, your choice, absurdly cheap price, and no interest charges. Oh, and the 2010 Prius is much better than my excellent Generation II 2007 Prius Touring was. I sold that to my relative, who loves it. I've never had a problem with either of these High Quality State-Of-The-Art hybrids, and since I don't spook easily the media background noise has no effect. Hey, it's not like they were built by GM, the Lemon Builder.
When I shopped for my Prius, it came down to three models. A misty grey with nav and leather. a red with the solar roof but no nav or leather, and a black V with everything. I thought about my typical use. I use the nav and audio systems daily. Leather is just more comfy. With my two previous Camry's, I used the moon roof very infrequently. That's how I made the choice I did. And I love the car. The last couple of days here the weather has been very nice. I found myself wondering if I'd made the right decision on the solar roof....but only for a few minutes.
Yes, I have an "I wish . . . " moment. I wish I'd bought a Prius four years ago instead of the Volvo lemon that I did buy. I'd be many dollars and headaches ahead, not to mention gallons of fuel and tons of CO2.
Agree wholeheartedly! I wish I would have bought mine in 2004 instead of the Ford Ranger I bought...I really liked the truck...but I love the Prius!
Had my heart of Blizzard Pearl with slate gray interior but after two orders or Preferience they could not get it . I ended up with the slate interior but black outside. I am very happy of the color change for black is not that hard to keep up contrary to belief.
Nope! Got exactly the car I wanted, paid in full up front, plan to drive it until the wheels fall off or we have electric cars powered on a renewable energy grid, whichever comes first. Sorry, I wasn't much help, was I?