Here in Europe they gave us this ugly rear wiper arm that looks like they took it from some '80 car model and I can't stand it... so I would like to buy one from a US model. Can anyone help me with the info where and how can I buy it since I can't find any on the ebay?! Thanks a lot! S
It's exactly the same as mine. I don't mind the way it looks, but it's reach is kind of crappy and only covers about half the rear window.
off topic - the Prius looks good with a yellow license plate. I liked it when I had my temporary yellow "plate" for the past few months.
ITs the worst rear window wiper ever and for us UK drivers on the Right Hand side the wiper is still on the bloody left hand side so whats the use? Toyota didn't care at all to switch. I find that lazy and really disappointing.
I guess some of you didn't actually understand the difference between these two pictures... on the left side is European crapy version and on the zoomed picture is US version. So here is another picture of the European 2010 Prius - rear wiper arm. Again, can anyone help me with the info where and how can I buy it since I can't find any on the ebay?!
I see now. I originally thought the close up was of the same car. It looks like yours has a thinner (maybe stamped metal) arm, where the other is contoured plastic.
I don't know, but I hope you understand that the US version is a pain in the neck to clean under since it only lifts up about an inch unless you go to the trouble of removing that trim that covers up the connection to the motor. I think I would rather have the skinny wiper that you can lift up completely and clean the rear window like normal cars.
Yup. This is not unique to the gen 3 model, either. I was very disappointed in this aspect when I moved from the 2008 to the 2010
I've seen that on some european cars but on the front wipers so this is not too bad for me. In this case I would sacrifice design for functionality. This was the case also with the previous gen. of Prius here in Europe. First, Prius had the same crapy wiper arm and after few year they made a small redesign and new model recieved a new beautiful rear wiper arm You see what I mean?!
"I don't know, but I hope you understand that the US version is a pain in the neck to clean under since it only lifts up about an inch unless you go to the trouble of removing that trim that covers up the connection to the motor. I think I would rather have the skinny wiper that you can lift up completely and clean the rear window like normal cars." Slightly off-topic, but is that trim piece difficult to remove?
Ok people you're not helping at all so I'll ask an easier question... does anyone know how and where to buy (online if possible) an US version of the rear wiper arm for 2010 Prius model?! Thank you!
Yeah I see the difference now. Yeah where can we get one? If it not that hard to remove the plastic part then the USA wiper arms looks better. I think the rear view of the Gen3 is rubbish anyway so might as well put on a bigger and nicer looking wiper arm. Since the USA counter parts thinks theirs is so cumbersom to lift up to clean want to swap with mine? I can lift mine up all the way 90 degrees to the air!! Lets SWAP.
Yeah, I had the same problem until I realized that, as you can see in the picture, near the bottom of the wiper there's a separate plastic piece that covers the part that attaches the arm to the car. That piece flips up really easily and makes it simple to lift up the and clean under the wiper.