I suppose most people won't care. I suppose some will say, "I told you so". However, I have tried to be honest and forthcoming in all my posts in Prius Chat. But let me say, this is one of the most difficult posts I have attempted to create. Over a year ago, I decided my old Honda was nearing it's reliable useful life....17 years. It was imo at the point where it needed significant repair and had aged to the point where it seemed slowly it needed many things replaced. So began my research into my next vehicle. To make a long story short, I researched and found two vehicles that seemed to meet my needs, personal desires and had great reputations, Toyota Prius and the Honda Fit. In researching The Prius I discovered this site. Prius Chat IMO is a great site. Fantastic support, dynamic discussion and debate and interesting people. I really have enjoyed following this site, and offering opinion and a voice. A few posters would have disagreement with me, and discount my opinions or total presence by pointing out that I wasn't even a Prius owner, and therefore my opinion worthless...at least to them. It never bothered me because I never offered my opinion as a Prius Owner, I offered it as an observer, as someone who had researched Prius thoroughly. Often I would offer opinion on the peripheral threads, on specific Prius threads, I tried to make sure my responses were based on knowledge applicable to the Prius through my research. I never "posed" as a Prius owner, only as someone considering a Prius and expecting to make a Prius purchase. Since I really believed The Prius would be the next vehicle I would own, I never apologized for participating in this forum. But here's the hard truth. I just purchased my next vehicle....and it's NOT a Toyota Prius. No, I ended up getting what was my 2nd choice for most of the year. I've bought a Honda Fit. Yes, I'm happy with it. But I'm not here to "brag" or even compare. The truth is I'm still a big fan of Prius. I can tell you what my reasons were NOT for deciding to purchase The Fit over The Prius, and I tell you my decision had nothing to do with recent events. It had NOTHING to do with the recalls, or the recent media attacks on Toyota. I think Toyota is a great automobile manufacturer, class leading, especially among Hybrids, and I think they have and do and will continue to manufacture great automobiles. I swear, I wasn't running from the Prius because of CNN, ABC or James Sikes... It was a hard decision, because Prius WAS my 1st choice. I mean it as a compliment to this site that the decision to NOT purchase a Prius was even more difficult because I realized it would marginalize and reduce my involvement on Prius Chat. Once the reality becomes that I'm not a Prius Owner, or would be Prius owner, at least in the near future...then I honestly must divorce myself from much of the discussion within this site. I actually put weight into what it would mean to my involvement on this site...and I have enjoyed participating on this site and so it was a very difficult decision. Again, I'm still a huge fan of Prius and Toyota, and I don't want this to be a "My Car is Better" post. My decision as I have stated was NOT based on recent negative media exposure and/or the Toyota recalls. Honda is dealing with recalls as well. Agree or disagree with me, here is why I found myself at a Honda Dealer. As much as I'm impressed with The Prius, as much as I do believe Hybrid's and Alternatively powered vehicles are the wave of the future, I also believe we are on the very very verge of significant change within the genre. I know change is always happening, but I think within Hybrids/Electrics/Alternative vehicles we have some very immediate change coming quickly. Namely Lithium Ion Batteries and various degrees of "plug in" capability, and honestly I think these changes are going to significantly change the definitions of performance and capabilties within the genre. With The Leaf, The Volt, and Plug In Prius coming, and I think a change to Lithium Ion batteries as the standard I don't know how that affects the current incarnation of Hybrid vehicle. So maybe my logic is flawed. But my feeling was just to join the masses with a conventional ICE automobile albeit a relatively efficient one and watch and wait to see what happens within the genre over the next couple of years. So I offer this post as these admissions. You probably won't hear from me as much. As long as I honestly and earnestly felt I was The "Electric" Me and/or going to purchase a Prius, I felt justified on commenting within specific Prius discussion. If I'm NOT a Prius owner, or a soon to be owner? Then I will excuse myself from most of The Prius specific conversation.....sadly..... I hope to keep up on the goings on with Prius and the entire hybrid/alternative automobile world. Prius Chat is still a great resource and portal in that manner. So I'm NOT leaving totally. Sorry to those that hate me. But since I have tried to be honest I have to say The Electric Me...is now really The ICE Me.... I think I'd still like to own a Prius someday...but maybe when I feel that things have leveled out...and we aren't on the verge of what I think will be exciting and dynamic change. In the meantime....I'll flip my seats up in the back and enjoy a good for an ICE MPG rating. Check in from time to time, and maybe comment on a industry wide reflective thread. It's not goodbye...but it's less of a hello...for me I wasn't ready to own a Hybrid.... Aloha...Prius Chat...see you around from time to time.... The Electric Me
I hope you are as happy with your Fit as I am with my Prius! Do not feel that you must leave, we value informed Prius opinions from 'outside' as well. I considered the Fit when I bought my Prius, cargo room killed it for me. (I recently put a ten foot 2 by 4 inside my Prius) For most, cargo is not that high a priority. Honda reliability is top notch, Fit gas mileage will be very good. [Edit: I changed my Avatar to show my cargo priority]
I always did think there was something wrong with him. :tsk: Seriously, though, there are a lot of good cars on the market. Honda makes some of the best. Buying a Fit is no reason to stay away from PC. If the conversation here was restricted to Prius talk, I would have left years ago. Tom
I think you made a great choice. When I went out car shopping in February 2007 in the 11th Avenue car dealership district in Manhattan, my two top choices were Prius and Fit. I ended up with the Prius only because the Toyota dealer was first along my walk up 11th Ave. It had in stock a Prius in the option package and color I wanted and at a price I was willing to pay. So I bought it on the spot, and never did reach the Honda dealer to check out the Fit. Good luck.
We have both a Prius and a Honda Fit. Each has it own strength and merits but I doubt you will regret your decision. Both are very good cars. As a side note, our Honda dealership has treated us much better than our Toyota dealership has in recent years. Both in the manner they treat their customers and the attention they pay to the service they perform. The Honda dealership is new so that may play a factor, but I have been a loyal customer at my Toyota dealership for many many years and have noticed and regretted this. Good luck and keep on posting.
FWIW, I joined this site fully intending to buy a Prius, coincidentally the Fit was my alternative choice as well. But my interest in the Prius cooled and now I don't plan to buy anything (I'm driving a 7 year old Element) right away. If I did, it would be a Fit in my case too. And I don't visit or post as often here either anymore. I will confess that IMHO some (a minority) in the Prius community are overly zealous about their cars, and it was a factor in my decision against buying a Prius. Nothing wrong with liking whatever car you choose, but it is still just a car.
Nonsense, you are a valuable part of this chat regardless of what car/s you own. Just like whatever your political or religious faith, the car you drive have nothing to do with it. I think it has more to do with your enthusiasm for cleaner efficient cars. I own 7 cars and Prius is not my favorite car. So stay on and stay a part of this group made up of great individuals who voice their opinions like yourself.
Feel free to come by anytime! Heck.. I used to own a few Audis (A4 and an Alroad) and I still visit the audiworld.com forum (though not as often as here). I think the Fit is an EXCELLENT vehicle and if the Prius wasn't available I'd probably be driving one. The Fit has received consistently great reviews from the automotive media. It's great on gas and even optioned to the max, the price is very reasonable. Having owned a Prius these are the following options any vehicle I own MUST have: 1- Smart key entry/exit 2- Navigation 3- Stability control 4- Steering wheel controls for commonly used controls My next car most probably will be a 201X Prius. The X being the unknown. I currently have 95,000 miles on my 04 Prius and the car runs beautifully. It is the most reliable vehicle I've ever owned.
Prius Chat is NOT a site exclusively for Prius owners or expected Prius owners. It is a site for people INTERESTED IN the Prius. Thus, you qualify more than I do, because, although I still own my Prius, and drive it occasionally (when I have to drive farther than the Xebra will go) my interest in the Prius is now minimal. It sounds like you are still interested in the Prius, even if you do not intend to buy one any time soon. So stick around! Your opinions are just as valid as anyone else's, with the caveat that as a non-owner you have less or no experience with the Prius. But much of what is discussed here is unrelated to the Prius, or does not require experience of the car itself.
Yes - please do stay around. I have always found your points of view insightful, interesting and well formulated. Enjoy the Fit, Cheers Warwick
Congratulations on your new car. I looked at the fit a few years ago when I purchased my honda civic. I'm glad you did your research and chose the car that's the best "fit" for you.
i too was looking at a fit but, went with a roomier mid-sized car for the long haul. good luck with your fit. please make your future posts shorter...thanks
First I'm glad you found a car to commit too. The Fit no doubt has a growing following awaiting your insights and observations. Sad to say, the Prius has been more 'theory' than 'practice' and now there is a car to experiment with and check the facts and data. A good thing, it reminds me of:"When the Oakies left Oklahoma and moved to California, it raised the I.Q. of both states." - Will Rogers Good luck with your new ride and help the Fit community gain a clue. I've always advocated the right tool for the right job and it looks like you've found a Fit. Bob Wilson
Your logic isn't flawed - but your numbers are. What I mean is, these changes won't be soon, mainly because of the costs involved. I think it will be more than 5 years before plug-ins and electrics like the Leaf are anywhere near competitive with current hybrids - and that's only if oil goes up significantly. But if car-buying was a purely logical experience, the kinds of cars available today would be a lot different...
Different strokes for different folks.... (esp. if your POV is that the community here at PC is a bunch of zealots...so you decide not to get a Prius based on that...and then feel the need to continue posting here about those feelings) Whatever floats your boat! ALL POV's are welcome! It is afterall, just a car.