Whenever I input a destination it never directs me towards the freeway, i.e., the shortest route. It always takes me on the parallel surface streets. When I do get on the highway it tells me to exit. I can give you some examples that happened last night coming home from SF, if you know Bay Area freeways: - Going from South SF into downtown SF, told me to take Portero rather than 101 North. - Going from the Sunset District to Hillsdale, told me to take John Daly Blvd and El Camino Real S, rather than 280 South to 380 to 101 South. Now, I know how to locate the nearest freeway entrance on my navigation. The problem is, once I click "replace" for that, it deletes my final destination. Or, once if I click add, it takes me to the place I wanted to go first, and then the freeway second. This won't help. So here are my questions: 1) How do I set up my navigation for fastest route possible? 2) How do I change the route or find alternate routes to my destination, while en route? So I can jog between freeway options and surface street options. 3) How do I turn off the voice of the lady, without turning off the guidance? I've stopped the car several times, read the manual and can't find this quick fix. I would not be asking this if I did not heavily rely on the navigation in these situations (san francisco is confusing). Thank you so much!
There are options you can set for routing preferences, one of them has to do with allow/disallow freeways, toll roads, etc. I've had this same problem, and when I checked for some reason the 'freeway' option was off. Look on p 87-89 of the Navigation System Owner's Manual.
When adding a destination you're taken to a screen to select where you want to place the new destination relative to other destinations already entered. I second the suggestion to spend some time getting familiar with the manual for the navigation system. It's a pretty thick book all by itself which implies that it has quite a bit of info.
Ok, I'll try that, thanks. What about turning off the lady's voice but still being given directions? I tried turning off "Adaptive Volume" but that's not it. I looked in the manual under Settings and some voice options are: - Voice Guidance in All Modes ON/OFF - Auto Voice Guidance ON/OFF Is it either of these? If it is, I don't like how we have to go into "settings" to turn this voice off. Is there an easier way to turn the voice on and off? Because chances are I want it off and on and off and on again in the same trip, depending on the stretches that I'm driving. Thanks again!
Even though I have an 07 Camry Hybrid (with NAV 5.1 and 8(?) DVDs), these steps should get you going in the right direction: For Voice Recognition Guidance: Select Menu button, then Set-Up. Now find Voice Recognition Guidance (on TCH, it's on the second page) and turn it OFF. NOTE: With the Voice recognition Guidance OFF, there will be dead time between pushing the button on the wheel and the "beep" as if the system was still speaking the irritating Voice Guidance. As i said originally, these steps work on my Camry, so YMMV, but I believe they may be similar. I hope this helps.