a surprise detour gets me my Prius today! Yippee!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by plusaf, Apr 10, 2004.

  1. plusaf

    plusaf plusaf

    Feb 15, 2004
    Raleigh, NC
    2004 Prius
    my wife saw an ad in today's (04.10.04) san jose mercury news from fremont toyota (SF Bay Area, for out-of-towners): "Prius: 8 available."

    i called my dealer to see if he knew anything about my order. "no info, maybe monday, if his sales general manager prints one out for him..."


    called fremont toyota. nice receptionist asks what i'm looking for. #9/BC, if possible; silver, gold and red are my preferences, in that order, i answer.

    "yeah, we've got one of those," she says.

    wife and i jump into Camry and zoom over to the dealer. very nice, cordial, friendly folks; very professional. claim to be biggest dealer in the area.

    "show me the silver one"? "it's the demonstrator, but it should be back in a few minutes." in literally a few minutes, it tools into the parking lot, and our assigned salesman lets us in for a test drive. just before we're ready to go, someone else comes up and complains that they were next in line for the test drive! we agree to let them go first, but before that, my wife turns to me from the passenger seat and says, "let's buy it." "really?" i check... "yes," is the answer. so i turn to the sales rep and inform him that it can go for the test drive, but i want it, ok? Sure, he answers, and we're signing papers before the car gets back.

    a few dozen signatures and a large deposit check, and it's ours. Yippee!

    i did have to "settle" for a "sports leather package" that they nicked me $4000 for, but i was willing, since lack of leather seats was one of my complaints about the option list, and i'd also scored some unexpected money in the stock market over the past few months, so the pain of a $36,000-out-the-door after taxes, fees, and everything else..., was diminished a bit.

    it's in my driveway now, with all of about 50 miles on the clock. now i have to cancel a BC order with Stevens Creek Toyota in San Jose, so if they get "mine" in in the next shipment or two, somebody on the waiting list will be a happy camper.

    special thanks to my wife for making critical adjustments to the Universe to make this happen! i HATE waiting!!!!!!!!

    i also recommend Fremont Toyota for their attitude and helpfulness, over Stevens Creek Toyota....

    photos and all that stuff to follow.
    good luck to all, and cheers!
  2. Mau28

    Mau28 Junior Member

    Jan 31, 2004
    2017 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Advanced
    :Wth: 36000 OTD!!!!!...Im happy you got a prius..but IMHO...THATS JUST CRAZY...........thats why dealers Act like this...this confirms they can go ripping off people who wait fair and square and dont wanta be taken for a ride from dishonest dealers and sell their cars to those who dont wait. Well..anyway..enjoy the prius ....
  3. plusaf

    plusaf plusaf

    Feb 15, 2004
    Raleigh, NC
    2004 Prius
    Whoa, Nellie!
    Hear some more of the story.......
    The finance guy said that the Internet/Fleet guys were getting all of the priorities on deliveries, and there was a major rift developing between them and the "regular, in front of the store sales people." they settled it by portioning out some of the shipments to the showroom guys, so that they wouldn't be hung out to dry without cars to sell.

    second, here's the sticker detail: MSRP: $19,995.00 --- not exactly a ripoff in my book. BC option $5245, just what i exepected to pay. i didn't order a stripper model back on January 12, 2004, either; i ordered the BC option, and was going to add most of the other possible dealer add-ons anyway.

    finally, as i said, the leather interior (two-tone leather on all of the seats) was $5995. sure, i think it might be worth $2000 or so, but i figured that if i wanted leather at all, i'd have to find someone to do it to the car after mine arrived, and probably pay that or more anyway. without the leather, the bottom line sticker price was $26,004.00, including rear bumper applique, which i was going to buy, and carpet floor mats and cargo mat, all of which would have gone on my car anyway.

    and i'll be happy to tell you which stocks made me the extra $10k this winter, if you're interested.... :D (mostly luck, maybe a little skill...)

    so i paid a price i was willing to pay. i don't feel ripped off at all. and i warned the dealer i was already working on my wife to be ready to trade her '98 Camry XLE-V6 on the hybrid Camry in '06 when it comes out. Bet that puppy won't go out the door for less than $35, either!

  4. pjm877

    pjm877 Member

    Dec 2, 2003
    austin, tx
    2021 Prius Prime
    sure glad you got the prius you wanted. But, it was a might out of my price range :mrgreen: What kind of leather? Sure hope it was the best out there for that price.

    I also hope you don't get too much gref from the group about the out the door price. I say you want it.. have the money... want that bad... go for it.. you only live once... and you for sure can't take it with you...

    How may miles on the car?

    I am sure you will love the 04 Prius just like I do..

    enjoy, and have a nice easter..

    P.S. now I need to just win the lotty so I can get a backup Prius
  5. aarons12

    aarons12 New Member

    Apr 9, 2004
    long island, NY
    i just put a deposit on a prius about a week ago and they told me the wait was probably a year. supposedly the dealer will sell it to me when that time comes for sticker. they are reputable so i will keep a good hope.

    however, reading stuff like this has me wondering. while i appreciate that Plusaf paid what the car was worth to him, i also fear that there are a lot of shennanigans going on with the dealers as to which dealers are getting the cars, and which customers.

    just today i stopped into my dealer to look at another car for my son. i told her i had heard that the larger the dealer, the bigger their allotment of priuses. she made a remark that indicated that they are NOT a particularly large dealer... so now i am wondering if i should put my order through a bigger dealer... or will i just be on a longer list that will get filled at about the same pace?

    these are rhetorical questions, but frustrating
  6. thockin

    thockin Junior Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    San Francisco, CA
    36k? No offense, but it's guys who can afford to pay 36k for a car that is NOT a 36k car that make the car unreachable for the rest of us. The leather can be bought and installed for something like $1200. You got RIPPPPPPED
    on that.

    Anyway, I called Fremont Toyota, and a very cocky lady answered the phone, and ASSURED me that she had the color/package I wanted. A couple of them, in fact. She would not tell me the price over the phone. I made an appointment to come by.

    On the way there, I called again, just to confirm. I got a different lady who said no, they did not have any on the lot, and they only had a couple at all. All of them were long gone. Nice.
  7. DaveG

    DaveG Member

    Jan 20, 2004
    Vancouver, BC
    2004 Prius
    Well, the guy paid what he could afford and got the car he wanted - I don't see anything wrong with that.

    Don't blame the customers for the tactics of car dealerships that inflate the price.

  8. thockin

    thockin Junior Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    San Francisco, CA
    Neither one is guilty alone. If people applied some critical thinking to purchasing, instead of "I have to have it" mentality, life would be better.

    It's a big gripe of mine in the bay area. Idiots with too much money and not enough sense drive the prices of EVERYTHING through the roof. Do they really think a house is worth $600 / suqare foot? No, but they have too much money, and they HAVE TO HAVE IT. Who loses? Everyone with "average" incomes (which are often 2-5x the national averages). We can't afford to own homes.

    Anyway, just me bitching. And I'm double pissed because the dealership jerked me around. :)
  9. eak354

    eak354 Member

    Dec 18, 2003
    2004 Prius
    what happened to the 8 to choose from? why go with demo? :? pretty steep for me but hey, congrats and have fun with the car! may the mileage be with you! :wink:
  10. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    There are many things that are unfair about a free market system. Wages so low you can work 60 hours a week and not have enough money to pay the rent on an apartment. Children going to bed hungry and not getting routine medical care. But over-pricing of luxury cars due to demand outpacing supply is hardly at the top of my list. And in my opinion, the Prius is a luxury car!

    Now, when the same happens to the cost of housing, that's a serious problem, because housing is a necessity. Some folks are so rich that they push the cost of housing out of reach of minimum-wage workers and the result is families with kids living in their car.

    I propose a two-pronged solution: 1. Set the minimum wage at $15 per hour. If you do the math, this is just barely enough to live on. If you really want fairness, set the minimum wage at $25 per hour; 2. Set the maximum wage at $150,000 per year. Nobody's labor is worth more than that. Bringing the maximum and minimum income levels closer together minimizes the ability of the wealthy to push the cost of necessities out of the reach of the poor.

    All the necessities of life should be within the reach of everyone. The Prius is the coolest car in the universe, but it's not a necessity.

    It sounds like plusaf could have gotten leather seats cheaper, but unless we know the quality of the seats he got vs the quality of the cheap ones we don't really know if he paid more than fair market value or not. And apparently he paid MSRP for the rest of the car.

    I paid MSRP for my #7, and in my opinion MSRP was about $3,000 below fair market value, considering the features and the quality of this car, plus all the neat stuff it does, and the Kermit factor thrown in for good measure.
  11. plusaf

    plusaf plusaf

    Feb 15, 2004
    Raleigh, NC
    2004 Prius
    woohoo! such excitement! such strongly held opinions!
    you want to chat about the Free Market or lack of it? let's take that "conversation" off-line and out of the general Forum here, please?
    or go to my personal site at www.plusaf.com and /soapbox there, and you can really get torqued about my opinions! :lol:

    as i said, the sticker said 19,995, which, i believe, didn't include the increase in the MSRP. so, did i save some money there? 1%? enough for about 15 tanks of gas? yep.

    package 9 on the sticker was 5245 and the rear bumper applique was 65 and the carpet floor mats and cargo mat were 184. i wanted those anyway. i bought the wheel locks (WL option) on-line off eBay, and had the problems i've already listed on this chat site. Delivery, 515. total sticker 26004.... with taxes and everything else, i had expected to not get out the door for less than 30,000 or so from the dealer i had ordered from in January, and, as i said, i've got 10k in stock market gains in the past few months which more than covered the ripoff leather price.

    the dealer informed us of the paint/leather/fabric protection package for the car too... the same one we paid about $500 for in '98 for my wife's Camry... except they'd found another vendor that does exactly the same thing, but a few hundred dollars cheaper.

    i'll put some photos on my website at www.plusaf.com/prius/prius.htm , and show you the full two-toned leather treatment. i believe this is more than a 1-2000 job, too, from the quality and detail.

    and i sold a '69 corvette and a '97 taurus and have been sharing one car with my wife since late january, as that money (about 15000 total) was my deal with her to help finance the prius.

    i'm more than a little defensive here, because i don't really enjoy being without a car of my own, and i've "sacrificed" a somewhat quieter bigger, smoother taurus for the prius, as well as a 350 cu. in., 350 hp go-like-heck neck-snapping fun toy, too.

    everyone makes their tradeoffs in life. Falk's First Law: "The Whole World is a Tradeoff" ( www.plusaf.com/falklaws.htm ). so i'm pretty clear about that.

    i'm also a registered Libertarian, so you'll have to go a LONG way to convince me that high minimum wages and low maximum wages are the "solution" to a problem i don't agree exists. i don't think there are many people in the world who are really worth more than about $1M a year to ANY company, but if the morons on the Compensation Committies of their Boards of Directors think they're getting their money's worth out of them, so be it. i retired from HP (Hewlett-Packard) in '02 after 24 years there. ask me what i think about Carly Fiorinia. :pukeright:

    and as a retiree, i have chosen, for now, to enjoy retirement and live off cash savings until i can get Social Security (if it isn't bankrupt or they don't change the laws to disqualify me in the next year or so...), and later, on the money in my IRAs. which i'm trying to grow by making smarter investments in the stock market than i used to. now i even have more time to study the process. want to share ideas? i started "myowninvestmentclub" on yahoo groups. but it's by invitation only, not for stock touts, b.s., and the like.

    ok, guys and gals, if you still want to "have at me", take it to plusaf at plusaf dot com.

    happy motoring!

    oh, btw, to answer one question... the demonstrator was a car that was refused by the guy who ordered it, saying "he was moving", which to me was a stupid choice, but hey, it was his choice. it had exactly 40 miles on the odometer when we bought it.

    the dealer was probably ecstatic to have someone call, drive over, and buy the doggone thing right out from three other people who wanted test drives yesterday afternoon, because a 36k Prius IS a doggoned pricey unit, when the base is still close to 20k.

    but it's in my driveway now, and i just got it programmed to operate my Genie Garage Door opener, and the GPS system is lots of fun to use. there's a chance my wife and i will drive cross-country in it this year or next, and the locator is going to be SO good for getting us to about ten friends, relatives and other stops along the way and back.

    ok, everyone, please chill on me and the dealer, and all that, and go back to reveling in what a cool, hip, eco-friendly, FUN car this is!
  12. Jerry P

    Jerry P Member

    Dec 5, 2003
    Waterford, PA
    2021 Prius
    XLE AWD-e
    As long as your happy with your car Alan, that is all that matters. You earned the money to pay for it and it's your right to spend as you choose. I'm glad you were able to get exactly what you wanted. Enjoy! :D
  13. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    I agree that as long as we're talking about luxury cars like the prius, and not necessities, it's your right to spend your money as you see fit. My point of posting in this thread was to dispute with the folks who were saying you have no right to pay extra and therefore drive up the price.

    And for off-topic stuff, I am in the General Discussions forum pretty regularly.
  14. windsurfdog

    windsurfdog New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
    Northern Gulf Coast of Florida
    Wow.......I'm starting to feel real good about my price for a brand new Tideland pkg. 7 at $23694.00 before tags, taxes. Gives me faith in my dealer..........
  15. mboileau

    mboileau New Member

    Feb 11, 2004
    SF Bay Area
    Before everybody freaks out even more over what plusaf paid, it's not as bad as you're making it out to be. THe MSRP with BC/#9 is indeed $26,004 as he stated, without markup. Aside from the $4K leather option, which is subjective, his $36K includes the $500 paint/fabric protection, which I also purchased (since it includes replacement if unable to fix) AND California sales tax. We'd all like to think we paid less, but c'mon guys. Do the math. With sales tax, it's right on target...
  16. oxnardprof

    oxnardprof Member

    Feb 27, 2004
    Oxnard, CA
    2004 Prius
    If is happy with the purchase, then good for him. For Prius owners, we can point to this and know that the value of the car has INCREASED after leaving the lot - another plus to owning a Prius!

    As for the math:

    30,004 (including the leather option)
    2700 (sales tax at 9 % - I don't know SF sales tax rate)
    75 (fees, like document preparation, and tire disposal, just a guess)
    201 (excise or property tax at 0.67%)
    100 (other local fees in SF)
    500 (paint / fabric protection)

    33580 is my estimate of total.

    There might have been other costs included, perhaps the Platinum Warrantee, which would bring it up to 36K.

    Again, I add my congratulations. While I would not pay more than MSRP, I did go for the package #9 and I am glad I did.

    Don't worry about the cost and be happy with the car.

    Still working on my first tank (fill up today), and still wondering about the insurance cost.
  17. hedwig

    hedwig New Member

    Mar 8, 2004
    Orlando, FL
    He paid $6,000 for the leather, not $4,000. I think he said he might have overpaid by $4,000, but if he doesn't mind, why should we? At least they GAVE him something for the upcharge, rather than just throwing $6k on there for no reason like a lot of dealerships do. And the leather does look great!
  18. m1j1tc0rn

    m1j1tc0rn New Member

    Feb 17, 2004
    i also purchased at fremont with leather and other other add-ons. my sale was different from yours, but was able to do it in much the same way --- same day. like you, i have no regrets whatsoever. congrats on your new car.

    this sale and the others above msrp won't ruin the market, they just point out the perceptive value of money... what is worth it to me may not be worth it to you. just like those who buy plasme tvs or blu-ray dvd recorders. technically those aren't good deals, but i sure want one and i wil get one at a certain cost worth it to me. last thing we should do is give someone crap for spending their hard earned money on a killer car that benefits all of us, the more that drive it.

    way to go alan, hope you have fun. :)
  19. Batavier

    Batavier Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    The Netherlands
    I don't understand what the fuss is about, the man bought the car he wanted for a price he was willing to pay. A price if you think about it, isn't even as much too much as some of you seem to think.

    Well done, Alan! And even if it was a bit more than you would have paid for the Prius you ordered, you don't have to wait for it, and that's worth something (says someone with at least 7 months waiting ahead). :D
  20. plusaf

    plusaf plusaf

    Feb 15, 2004
    Raleigh, NC
    2004 Prius
    <snif> thanks, guys... :D

    now let me try to cork this puppy with the REAL numbers... sorry for my mis-quoting myself and others before...
    (hope this lines up ok...)

    Sticker: 19,995.00
    BC Package 9: 5,245.00
    EF Bumper applique 65.00
    CF Mats 184.00
    Delivery, etc. 515.00
    Sport Leather pgk 5,995.00
    Sticker total 31,999.00
    CA Tax 2,643.63
    License Fees 264.00
    Tire Recycling fee 5.00
    "Document Fee" 45.00
    "Touch of Class" 306.76 (paint/fabric/leather protection)
    (other) 73.50 (cargo net and windshield sunshield)
    (btw, the PT347-47040 cargo net requires
    drilling two holes for installation)
    wheel locks 16.36 (off eBay, including shipping)
    Out the door Total 35,353.25

    btw, the dealer says that the leather job is a pass-through, and they don't make anything on it; whether that's true or not, i can't guarantee, but the process is: a third party comes and takes out the seats and console cover, etc., takes them off-site for the leatherwork, then comes back and bolts them in place again. one screw was stripped by them on the console hinge, and Fremont Toyota replaced all of the screws at no charge.

    ok, ok, so it wasn't quite $36000.......
    oh, and by the way, though my sales guy at Stevens Creek wasn't available today, one of the other crew called to tell me that they'd refunded my $500 deposit..... so someone on their list will get a call maybe a few minutes earlier than they expected.....

    done deal, guys, with all the gory... and now a lot more accurate... details.

    my sales guy recruited me today, while i was waiting on the ToC, to talk to a prospective customer... :lol: filled his ear for about half an hour. he works at the NUMMI plant in Fremont and said that one of his buddies might be able to get him a "special deal." we wished him luck....