Good for them. First, after the LA Times falsified an article back in December Toyota published the real facts showing where the LA Times fabricated 'non-fact facts' in its article. Then Rhonda 'Hallelujah Jesus I'm Saved' Smith was shown to be severely mistaken in her testimony in front of Congress. Then Gilbert's claims in front of Congress were shown to be 'manufactured' at the minimum and highly unrealistic at best. Then Sikes the Scammer's claims were stomped to death, with the assistance of NHTSA. Then it turns out that the 'Harrison Lady' probably rammed her Prius into a wall without hitting the brakes. Now Toyota is calling out ABC News to retract / correct the Brian Ross piece of .... fiction. An article today from AutoBlog referencing Toyota's letter to ABC News. Toyota asks ABC News for apology, retraction of Brian Ross report — Autoblog Maybe ABC News by reason of its irresponsible yellow journalism might be the object of a suit in the future to pay all the class action claims which might be lodged against Toyota? [EDIT] I forgot of course Biller the Liar being smacked down too. That was done by multiple people; Todd Tracey, Rep Issa, the Calif Bar Assn. This is like keeping score.
So is our own a1a1a1 finally going to admit that the three episodes of "sudden unintended acceleration" he experienced in his Gen 3 (once while the cruise control was on and twice coming to a stop) were actually the cruise control not deactivated by light braking and the temporary loss of braking power when going over an imperfection in the road, respectively?
Some people just have Bad Luck following behind them. I, on the other hand, normally have Good Luck in tow, have no issues, don't expect any issues and am completely satisfied with my perfect 05 Prius and my perfect 04 Highlander. I'm also responsible for my own actions. My view is that personal experience is far more important than anyone else's 'reported problems'. To each their own.
This public trial of Toyota is an example of the the American culture of "belief is truth". Evidence is just a distraction. The evidence which is available supports Toyota. Those who cautiously await evidence "just do not know what they are talking about". If a frightened person says so, it MUST be true. What frightened person would lie? That is another cultural problem we have. We seem to have mixed up INTENTIONAL mistakes (lies) with unintentional mistakes. Sloppy thinking really does cause damage. And yet sloppy thinkers are the first to become offended at this suggestion. Having lived with a Prius for more than four years, I know it to be an excellent car. It requires a minimum of maintenance, it is the best on gas economy of ICE cars, and it is clearly well constructed. Mine has required one repair and that was quickly done without ANY interruption of use. There have been a few cases of repair problems documented here on PC. But to condemn this car would be to deprive us of a car which serves us well. Even now, people are lining up to buy them. People who's lives are moved by hysteria are not serving us. THAT is the underlying problem in this mess. There are plenty of vultures out there who are ready and able to take advantage of the presence of these people in our midst. The hysteria will pass. It always does when something else comes along. Toyota cars are not crashing by the hundreds. The worst that could happen is that Japan could have an economic crisis with the collapse of its biggest industry. That would turn the Japanese against the U.S. But who cares about that? We would need to close our bases over there and Japan would turn to China. There is no arguing with people whose mind is made up. Maybe reasonable people will prevail and there will be reasonable solutions to the identified problems. Maybe not. The people in Salem Mass. so long ago had no doubt that they were doing the right thing by murdering the "witches". This is not the first time.
Reminds me of the old saddle fuel tanks and model rocket igniter. This is what happens when a news department reports to an entertainment division. Eventually, it morphs into canius vulpes guarding the gallius gallus domesticus. Bob Wilson
They did a mix of that burning, drowning, torturing, etc. The Malleus Maleficarum was the reference book for the witch hunts and TV fun.