There are those who believe there really is an electronics problem with Toyota cars that is causing the unintended acceleration problems for real and those who believe the acceleration problems are from a combination of driver error, floor mat problems and with Sikes, just plain fraud. Whatever turns out to be the truth, each side will doubt the evidence and believe what they have believed all along. If Toyota claims it has evidence that the electronics are not at fault, many people will not believe them. Even now, many in the public believe Sikes was telling the truth and won’t listen to anything Toyota has to say or believe any evidence Toyota presents. Add to this, the fact that once stories in the press get started, many who may have figured out that they were the ones to step on the gas instead of the brake will instead fool them into believing that it was the car’s fault. The power of suggestion is very powerful. The stories in the press will undoubtedly give some the idea to try to defraud Toyota by claiming an accident was the car’s fault when they know darn well they were the one at fault. Under these conditions, how can Toyota regain the stellar reputation for quality Toyota once enjoyed? How can they even find the problem (if it exists) if most of the reports of unintended acceleration are bogus and the cars being tested were working all along and they never get a chance to check out car that really has a problem. Here is how Toyota can get its reputation back. Think of a small box with a cell phone video camera, a microphone and a 2 gig SD card to record video and sound in a loop. This box will be mounted under the dash with the video camera pointing down so it can record video proof of which pedal was pressed and if the floor mat got it in the way. Point the microphone at the firewall and engine bay so it can record the sound of the engine racing. Now you would have a digital recording that can either prove that the driver actually was pressing on the gas instead of the brake. Or maybe we can find the Holy Grail that proves the driver was actually pressing on the brake and the engine was still racing and the floor mat was not in the way. I am sure some would not like a camera pointed at their feet and feel this smacks of big brother. They do not have to have it installed or they could remove it. Just don’t go crying to the press if you have an unintended acceleration problem. Remove the camera and why should they believe you. This would be an expensive thing to do and Toyota may not want to put it in all cars, but it sure would solve Toyota’s problem of driver error being confused with a real problem with electronics. Just think how effective it would be to see someone swear on the News that the car just accelerated on its own and then the Police release the video that show the person just mixed up the gas and brake or was a faker like Sikes. Comments Please…..
In any case, both sides will claim the pictures were forged. Some folks believe Sikes is pure as driven snow.
toyota can never prove it isn't the electronics. and if no one can reproduce it in the lab and find the cause, this will continue for a while, the press will move on to the latest and greatest stories and people will buy more or less toyota's based on the cars they design and build in the future. only a few will remember this when making buying decisions in the future when the hype is over.
I agree completely ... but it will be a while yet. Jay Leno makes fun of Toyota every night. It has taken a toll. I was at the dealer this AM having the ECU updated. Not a soul in the showroom ... the Cashier's office was closed ... the Parts Department and what few salesman there were present were all long faced, and depressed. OTOH ... read Consumer Reports 2010 Car Report. Nothing but positive comments on the Prius .... page after page. Read the magazine intro (one of the first pages) and they mention the Ford Hybrids have also had problems .... but the media makes no mention of that. Health care will take the headlines now. With $1 trillion dollars saved; Obama's Presidency saved; Unions in full command .... all will be well with the world, and Toyota's past will be forgotten.
Jimbo, Sure, some will see only what they only want to see and insist Toyota is lying, but if it is the Police who remove the SD card and look at it, most rational people will believe the video. Still, some will say the local Police have been bought and paid for by Toyota. I have a friend who believes they never landed on the Moon. I keep trying to explain to him that it would be harder to fake all 6 moon landings and get away with it then just landing on the moon. Why have all those additional fake missions and risk getting caught.
Yep. Time. Any little distraction will cause the media to drop the Toyota stories completely. They probably won't even mention when Sikes goes to jail. You know, like the whole 'Acorn' brewhaha, and it turns out that there wasn't any wrong-doing in the UNCUT video, but the O'Keefe kid edited it... HEAVILY, to make it SEEM like wrong-doing took place. You know, just before he went and tried to illegally wiretap a U.S. senator. Tip/Wag - James O'Keefe & Sean Hannity | March 4, 2010 - Barry Schwartz |
They never lost thier reputation with me , My re built05 performs like it is suposed to I step on the brake with my left foot while I accelerate with my right foot and it"AWAYS STANDS ME ON MY NOSE"
Toyota has not lost its reputation to me, either. I have just recently bought my Prius and my first Toyota. I have always been impresssed by both Toyota's and Honda's quality and reliability. Until all of the facts and investigations are known, and until a solid reason has been proven otherwise, they will not have lost any of their reputation to me. What happened with innocent until "proven" guilty ?
Toyota vehicles are some of the finest on the road today. I am surprised that some people would sell their Prius just because of some crazy story they saw on TV. Toyota will make it through this. The company continues to grab IIHS top safety picks, JD Power awards, Consumer Reports awards, etc. It is just going to take some time for the media to switch their attention to something else.
I think the sample of opinions on this site may be a little more pro Toyota then the overall average American opinion. My sister had rented a Prius last summer and had decided that it would be her next car. Now she is worried about me driving mine. She now says she would not consider buying any Toyota unless they find the electronic problem. This may be hard for Toyota to do considering there is no electronic problem. She believes Sikes is telling the truth and thinks it is awful how these poor women are deionized and are called ditsy because they are older women and happen to be driving while the car goes crazy on its own. Most of the bad press before Sikes was for Toyota models other than the Prius. Sikes pulls his stunt, the press believes him, and 2 days later, a "ditsy" older women who is unfamiliar with the Prius claims unintended acceleration when she got the gas and brake mixed up. Now the great halfway informed masses (those who get their news from Leno) believe most of Toyota's problems were from the Prius. What we Prius owners believe means very little compared with what the average Joe (who doesn't study the issue) believes. Toyota’s sales are way off and that is even with deep dealer discounts and factory incentives. This will cost Toyota billions in sales in sales and while the effects of this bad press will decrease with time, a decade from now many will still think Toyota's have unintended acceleration and will not buy them. This is what will happen if Toyota doesn't’t figure out how to prove in a convincing way that all the problems are from driver error and fraud and the Prius has no problem in the electronics that is causing the unintended acceleration. This is why I think Toyota has to take extraordinary measures to prove their electronics are sound.
One way Toyota can start to crawl out of the PR pit they have dug themselves into is to start leveling with people, and just as importantly, stop treating their customers like idiots. Insulting the intelligence of your customer is never a good idea. The reaction that I got from my dealer when I first reported the braking problem on my 2010 (before the recall) was that: a) I was being influenced by all the media hype; b) I was imagining it; c) I don't know how to drive a car with ABS and c) they "knew" there was nothing wrong with my car but would look at it to make be happy. After I bought it in for the flash update (I had to wait 3 weeks because what I "thought" I had wasn't really "important") the service advisor told me that "some people thought they had a problem" and this was an update to just adjust the brake sensitivity. GIVE ME A BREAK! The only question is, is this crap coming from Toyota or the dealer alone. I suspect the former. PS The problem still exits.
Toyota has a massive base of customers. Keeping them happy by revamping their dealers behavior would be a great start.
1) Wear more conservative clothing. 2) Stop drinking. 3) Avoid unsupervised parties where alcohol and boys are present. 4) Stop sleeping around. Tom
Toyota simply needs to address the fact that they and their dealers usually treat their customers as sheep, pay our price, don't call us, we'll call you, take our financing, you aren't smart enough to know our car, thats the treatment most people get, and when Toyota relied on their rep and ignored customer complaints they got by. Here is the problem, all those disgruntled customers were just waiting for their opportunity, and this was it, the ones with problems are getting a voice, and all those that see that as an opportunity to take advantage of Toyota, are trying to jump in. This was entirely the fault of Toyota and their dealers, it was arrogance that caused this, arrogance of not listening to customer complaints, and customers feeling like they were being taken by the dealer.
Unfortunately, I haven't found any dealers associated with any other manufacturer that are any better. And Toyota can't bypass them or control them.
I am not defending Toyota, but as robbyr2 states, "haven't found ... any other manufacturer that are any better." It is entirely possible I would drive a Ford Fusion hybrid today if the Ford delaer had been civil ....( but, he did not have one, and was rude and obnoxious). Hidyho writes: "This was entirely the fault of Toyota and their dealers, ...., arrogance of not listening to customer complaints" Just read some of the post on PC .... "customer complaints" are all over the spectrum ... some valid; some stupid; some terribly un-informed. I have often wondered how any manufacturer, (automobile, washing machine, TV or whatever), can deal with "customer complaints." Look how many comments on PC are a direct result of not reading, or understanding the manual. Have you ever worked in a business where you answer the telephone and try to make sense of their complaints? It is maddening and very frustrating.
I went into the Toyota store in funky clothes, looking like a bum, and EVERYONE was nice to me. Ford Fusion? Heck no! They bait & switch in EVERY ad. ALL of their ads tell you the 'hybrid' 41MPG... then tell you the non-hybrid price (because the hybrid price is $5,000 more than an equivalent Prius). They don't provide the HYBRID interior measurements in their top level comparisons and specs - they BURY them in a PDF that you have to dig for. They DO NOT compare themselves to the Prius (preferring the Toyota Camry for their comparisons)... because the Fusion LOSES HARD compared to the Prius. Also, the Fusion hybrid's back seats don't fold down (just like the Honda Civic hybrid). It loses 33% of the trunk space to the batteries, and an inch from the rear seat passenger space. Granted, the rear seat head room is a bit better, but so would the Prius if the back seats were further forward. It's not significantly bigger than the Prius on the inside, but is bigger on the outside, taking up more garage space. The only measurement that's 'bigger' for the Fusion is hip & shoulder room... so if you're FAT, you'll like the Ford Fusion better. But if you buy a new rake at the hardware store, you'll hate the Fusion's trunk. A wee bit more room for your 'plus sized' passengers, but NO room for their stuff, and not at all flexible for hauling awkward 'stuff', either. See how 'aerodynamic' it is when you have to strap stuff to the roof for trips!
Sounds like a great job. I wonder how long you could double as a Maytag Repairman and draw two checks?