C'mon man this is my escape. I was on here when it was common knowledge that Toyota was perfect and GM was the devil reincarnate as an automobile manufacturer. Haven't I earned the right to enjoy it a little bit?
Anyone can issue a press release, malorn. I am interested in what they have to present, but I don't expect much different from Sean Kane. Like Kane's "Safety Research & Strategies", this "truth" group is also run by attorneys.
Other than Mr. Visconi, all of these folks make a living off of sudden unintended acceleration. And he hopes to do so. I wonder where they got their proof of a conspiracy?
Enjoy what? GM *still* sucks, regardless of the Sikes vs Toyota outcome, don't they? Not sure how any of this media frenzy changes that fact. In my opinion, of course. Zhe Wiz
You're absolutely right. GM has never had any problem with any of its vehicles. There has never been a recall of any GM vehicles. We have always been at war with Eastasia.
I don't really care. Toyota is yesterday's automotive hero. They built a great (and still great, in spite of the media mud-slinging) gas-burning car. But gasoline is obsolete. Tesla and Nissan are the new car companies to support. Burn electrons, not hydrocarbons! It would be the easiest thing in the world for GM to build great, fuel-efficient, reliable cars. But that's not their business model. Their business model is to build monstrosities that burn lots of gasoline and need lots of service. They make more profit from fuel and service than they make actually selling the cars. GM is what it is by choice. And Malorn has to support them: He owns GM dealerships. You wouldn't expect a rancher to promote vegetarianism.
i guess he did not apply the brake's firm but stampped on them.. this in panic i guess.? in that way you dont brake and the ICE automatic shutdown will not work. you will need to keep the brake pedal fully depressed.
And how likely is it that it took 23 minutes to stop pumping the brake and actually steadily apply it? Panic can explain away a few minutes, but 23 minutes of the same behavior expecting a different result? He wasn't too panicked to call the cops on his cell phone while doing 90, but presumably was pumping the brakes the whole time while dialing?
Ha! There's more than one take a gander at Proco's thread, damn good posts on your part. If you're not already some type of counselor you may have missed your calling. Not that you're not good at or enjoy your present occupation but if you ever decide to change . . .?
I do not think he accidentally burned out his brakes, I think Mr Sikes adventure was preplanned to blackmail Toyota.
Didn'tTesla Motor's just send out notice that it might have to cease production of it's electric vehicles? Nice cars but just to damn expensive for me.
Another mistaken assumtion made concerning a partially observed action. He was either kicking more carpet under the gas pedal or he was truthfully scared shitless and shaking little turds out his pant cuffs. Just because those actions accidently bumped the brake pedal does not mean Mr. Sykes was intentionally trying to halt the vehicle. Considering the fact that a multimillion dollar payday hinged on the actual actions he took behind the wheel versus his observed actions. I hope I'm clearing things up here for you all?
I have no doubt what the officer said in the report is truthful. The only issue is, that report says nothing to prove nor disprove anything. All the actions taken by Sikes can easily go both ways. The officer said he was off the seat. Well I could press the accelerator and get off the seat too (although if I was braking for my life, I would be pressed AGAINST the seat not OFF the seat). Secondly, brake lights don't mean the brakes were applied. We all know that brake lights come on just before the brake pads are engaged (you can see that a light touch of the brake, illuminates the lights if you back against a wall and try it out). Also, I found this comment HILARIOUS I'm sorry. Your accelerator was clearly stuck to the mat like you said. So by that logic and reasoning, it's electronic?!?!
Of course, can't you see that? A brick could be resting on top of the gas pedal, but the problem is CLEARLY electronic in nature!
You can't trust electrons. First, you can't see them. Second, they will bite you if you give them a chance. Third, who knows where they are made. They probably come from China. Tom
Thanks for the tip of the hat. That's where my degree is. But I opted for a family and home over grad school/med school.
Nope. You've got that completely wrong. Lotus, which makes the frame for the Roadster, is quitting building that frame. So Tesla will cease production of the Roadster while it brings the Model S (sporty sedan, approximate price $50,000; think BMW-class, but all electric) to market. Once the S is in production, it will begin building the Roadster II on a different frame, yet to be determined. That's still an expensive car, but will be a sporty luxury car, consistent with Tesla's business model to compete first in the low-volume high-price market where a start-up company has a better chance. After the Model S, Tesla plans to move into the family price class with a family sedan priced for the average family, and of course less performance and luxury than the BMW-class Model S.
I think she was speaking to fact that the gas pedal didn't spring back after the mat was pulled out? Does seem odd that it didn't go back to it's nondepressed position until power was shut off. What raises my suspesions with this account is that they were doing 108 mph following and ambulence. LOL! First of all I don't think ambulences are allowed to break the speed limit and second can they even go that fast?