I'd love to hear what kind of hybrid-related bumper stickers people have! We made a couple of custom stickers at makestickers.com (a great site to create your own messages -- fast, cheap, and lots of templates). Ours are: CHEAPEST in the long run and WHY DIDN'T DETROIT MAKE THIS CAR? (this one has a picture of an astronaut planting an American flag on the moon) We also made up one that we haven't put on the car -- HONK IF YOU (HEART) BUYING GAS.
oval, euro-style decal... [align=center:e15e7384a7]F O P E C[/align:e15e7384a7] Gets a lot of laughs from the SUV drivers behind me. It usually takes some of the "edge" out of them.
I wanna see the "NO HUMMERS" bumber sticker! It would be a pic of a hum-vee in a red circle with a diagonal bar through it!
If it weren't for the fact that I hate bumper stickers, I was going to have the following made up: Minimum waste; maximum joy. (Hence my name here.)
I've seen that one in the back window of a gen 1 last winter, it was driving past the Burnsville (MN) shopping center. Now for the one I'd like to have. We've all seen the ones with the little guy servicing his bladder onto the logo of some company other than the one he's attached to. Well, what I would like to have our little fellow standing on like a Hummer (or H, H2, H3 logo) and relieving himself on an HSD logo, only to find out the awful truth about urine connecting his body to that 500V 3 phase power hiding in the Prius. We could have him above the H logo surrounded the jagged circle, bulging eyeballs etc. If I had ANY artistic ability at all, I would have already done one of these, but with my ability attempts to draw a straight line with the aid of a ruler gives me only about 50% success rate.
Hmm. Is there do-it-yourself bumpersticker printer paper for home computers? I have iron on transfer paper for do-it-yourself T-shirts.
Perhaps what we need is another show to test the testing performed by the Mythbusters. It would be the "Mythbusters Busters". Are you refering to the "Peeing on the third rail" episode? I laughed so hard at their rubberman and their mocked up urinary tract. To see Jamie handling that thing had me laughing out loud. Mythbusters is definately one of my favorite shows.
Yes, Office Depot has bumper sticker paper. I've used it for all my needs: Every Day is Earth Day in a Prius. Low Emissions are standard, 50+ MPG is a bonus! Weapon of Less Consumption. One planet, one people, one future. Bush won, America lost. More ideas to come. Most of the time I'm getting the thumbs up from people in the know. I have been flipped off before though, by a redneck pickup truck that was racing to get to every red light, belching blue smoke, and throwing cigarette butts out the window. I sometimes don't give humans much hope. so many care so little...
I like the last one, "Bush won, America lost". But I would change it just a little to: Bush Won, Exxon Won, America Lost.
Which reminds me of a bumper sticker I want. . . [align=center:027ac4a766] You bought it; you smoked it; you keep it. My world is not your ashtray[/align:027ac4a766] I try to not discriminate. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who's chucking cigarette butts out their window is a basic redneck. Regardless of their vehicle. There are very few things that offend me more than that. One of these days, you're going to read that I was accosted when I approached a car and threw the cigarette butt back into the open window.
"I wanna see the "NO HUMMERS" bumber sticker! " Won't that confuse people with your "Tom Leykis Flash Friday" bumper sticker?
Oooo. I like "Weapon of Less Consumption". Count me in on the "My world is not your ashtray" revolt. I take good care of my yard and am tired of picking up not only other people cigarette butts thrown in my yard but also the occasional beercan or corncob. (No, it's not the best neighborhood, but still.) I really hate when the neighbors work on their cars on the street and then I find their empty oil cans stuck in my bushes. No...I've never been able to catch them in the act. The think what really burns me is the noise pollution. It's hot. It's hot everywhere. We all have our windows open. Is that any reason to crank your stereo up and "SHARE" with the world? Why should I shut all of my windows and swelter so that you can be an inconsiderate @**h*!e. *YOU* close your windows and turn the stereo down so that the rest of us can swelter in peace and quiet. Oh yeah. The car horn is not a substitute for the doorbell. Get off your butt and knock on the door! Rant over.