I've got an annoying rattle and wanted to know if anyone else has it or has some ideas about what it is. It's coming from the front passenger side when I hit bumps. Because it's muffled, I think it's coming from outside, in the fender. It's sort of scratchy sounding like something is loose and I think it's getting worse. It only used to happen on speed bumps and potholes, now even some road imperfections do it.
Are you postive it's not your center console? If it might be, pull up on it or push down from the top on the floating console while your hearing the noise and see if it goes away.
Ditto on the rattles...but I think I have uncovered the problem. I thought mine was coming form the door/door panel, glove box, floor, etc. and was more evident at highway speeds. When the weather cleared, I got underneath the car and noticed a network of plastic covers under the care. I "banged" on the plastic undercarriage covers. To my surprise, there were multiple rocks/gravel/debris lodged between the car and the plastic "boxes" underneath. I blew them out at the car wash and the car is quiet as a mouse again.
I have that too, so I know the rattle in question is something else. What bothers me is that my mom's Avalon has the exact same rattle. Over the last 10 years, it's gotten progressively worse. Now, it's at the point that both sides rattle and it happens on almost every road.