Some gutless *&^(*&^($# apparently ran a shopping cart along the rear bumper of our 2010 while my wife was shopping today. I was able to buff most of the scratches out but there is an ugly puncture in the cheapy plastic. I know there are a lot of dealers on here, can someone give me an idea of what the cost of one of these would be and do they come in body colors? Over 11k miles, First flaw on the car...I want to cry.
I just had the rear cover replaced on my Gen II. The total cost, including parts, paint, and labor, was $481. Tom
My car was hit in the parking lot, and the rear bumper was torn off- of course they didn't leave a note. Anyways, cost of a new bumper, paint, and install was $1200.
I just had mine replaced today. Cost of used bumper=$100.+ I paid body shop $75 to replace. Total cost=$175
A new bumper cover is unpainted plastic and the job is going to be more than $481. I vote with Silky to find a used one in a salvage yard.