If in my state I did what Siko did the State police would have written me a ticket in the first place. Now that Siko has no proof other than his word he should be fined. When is CHP going to put this worthless piece of crap into jail. Siko is lower than a snake crap. He is a mentally ill piece of scum. I hope this garbage, scumbag, crap eating, bucket of moronic illegal pond muck does time for his fraudulent attempt to wreck a fine car. He is a disgrace to the entire country. He should be sent to gitmo and hung by his private parts until he dies. What a bunch of bull spew this guy is. I hope he gets cancer of the rectum and testicles at the same time.
Yeah I was thinking about starting a poll on the same thing. "How long do you think it will be before Sikes is actually charged with something". Personally I feel that some time in the next few weeks he probably will be charged. Possible charges could be speeding, public nuisance, attempted fraud, and possibly others. Can anyone think of other possible charges?
While Sikes may be guilty of speeding and reckless driving, until he tries to profit from it, I am not sure extortion can be proved. Slander and Libel would be tricky as he is slandering a model of car, not a person.
I was thinking about this the other day and I'm not totally sure about that. Prosecutors very often get convictions based on intent, even when the actual crime is thwarted. Say I went into a bank with a sawn-off shotgun and balaclava and ordered everyone to lay on the floor, but before I get a chance to demand any money the police surround the bank and I give up. Now sure I’ve committed some crimes already, but since I hadn’t actually demanded the money yet I claim that I just wanted to frighten people and wasn’t really going to rob the bank. Do you think that the prosecutor is not going get a convection on attempted robbery just because I say that's not want I was going to do?
Too bad the Orange County DA is in on this haox with his law siute against Toyota. He is another scumbucket politition.
Yeah that DA must be trying to raise his profile or something like that. It's just so premature to be going after Toyota on this issue that it's not funny, what with no real conclusive info on what the problem even is, not to mention that so many of the claims are bound to be eventually shown to be either driver error just plain BS. I really hope that this DA ends up with egg on his face over this one.
There is a big difference between knowing that someone did something wrong, and being able to prove it in a court of law. I think this will be a tough case to prosecute, although it sure appears that he deserves it. A civil suit would probably be more appropriate, but I can't picture Toyota taking him to court: too much negative publicity with Goliath crushing David. Tom
Why don't you tell us how you really feel? :madgrin: BTW, although somewhat heinous, I believe there are others that are more deserving of your prescribed treatment above - Bernie Madoff for one, possibly Jim Cramer - but I just saw him on TV this morning, pretending to be a reputable financial expert rather than the stock manipulator and criminal that he actually is.
I'm with Tom on this one. There isn't enough "hard evidence" that would convict this guy of a crime. Nothing short of a confession would seal the deal. He won't ever be charged, unless he signs some sort of book deal, makes a big noise, and then gets hauled in front of some Congressional committee to "testify under oath" about his Prius experience (visions of Roger Clemens). He is an unsavory and unethical character, who seems to be dipping his toe in the water (yet again....if we want to reexam his insurance claims), but he seems reluctant at the moment to take the full plunge. He should just back away and go back to the hole from where he emerged and not stick his head out again.....hah....we should be so lucky.
When I first read this I thought it said "a sawed shotgun and baklava ...", which would make for a very interesting entrance into a bank.
The CHP has stated that their investigation of this incident is over. Unless some new information is revealed they have no reason to prosecute Sikes at this time.
Wow! Not a very hippie sort of reaction there. I mean, what happened to peace, love, flower child, and all that? I gather the guy is a con artist, and should probably go to jail, but this prank hardly ranks with the S&L crooks, or the sub-prime crooks, or political demagogues who fire up the public against minorities or send American soldiers to war unnecessarily. I would save your kind of language for them, not him. Maybe you need to do some deep breathing, or take up meditation or something. Ommmmmmmmmmm... :nod: :hippie:
He was fine until he mentioned cancer of the rectum. I don't find that subject a joking matter. It's impossible to proove he lied. But the shadenfreude will go from the GM fanboys to the Prius owners the more this guy is embarassed in the media.