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Brake lights light up late

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Technical Discussion' started by Natedogg, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. masterpanda

    masterpanda Junior Member

    Mar 7, 2010
    Mid Atlantic
    2010 Prius
    I have noticed this, too. Have not asked the dealer about it yet. If unchangeable, that is an obvious safety hazard, especially in our tail-gating culture.
  2. mmichaell

    mmichaell Member

    Dec 16, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Ahh, that sounds very much like Germans, as I work for Siemens and encounter that a lot from my colleagues across the sea : ) I am sure its not a trait particular to Germans of course.

    With regards to the brake issue, my car seems okay, although the brake light does not light up immediately when pressing. I have to press it like 1/8th or 1/6th, and the instant after I feel some slight resistance, then the light comes on. I may adjust this anyways, since I like to tap on the brakes to warn ppl following too closely that I may be braking soon.

    p.s. ppl sure seem very combative these days on PC, maybe its just the Gen III forum.

    I just did this now (I didn't really need to adjust the brake light however). My brake light at first went on like 1/16 of an inch immediately after the "swoosh" sound, where I assume braking is actually starting to happen. This is probably fine. Since I'm so picky, I adjusted it to the next closest "click" to make it slightly more sensative, so it lights up about 1/8 of an inch before the "swoosh" sound. Will see tomorrow how it drives : ) And a tip: CCW (counter-clockwise) means with your head right-side up looking straight at the green thing, not with your head upside down looking up at the green thing.
  3. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2005
    Eastern Oregon
    2010 Prius
    Yes I have noticed that also, I hope it stops or at least gets better. I think we can learn a lot more if everyone tries to get along. :)
  4. eric1234

    eric1234 Active Member

    Jun 8, 2008
    Hamden, CT
    2016 Prius
    Yeah, I'm not doing my best at it, I admit. It's just that I KNOW there was a problem, which I've repaired, and it's annoying when someone who does not have the problem questions its very existence...
  5. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2005
    Eastern Oregon
    2010 Prius
    I don't have much room to talk, I've given a few short answers myself lately. But I'm working on my PC image. :)
  6. pakitt

    pakitt Senior Member

    Aug 10, 2009
    2021 Prius Prime
    Eric1234, let's put things straight.

    The thread started with post from Natedogg:
    Then, dmeredith wrote:
    So somebody was already implying the non-safety of the Prius based on this thread. I wasn't.

    Then later masterpanda says:
    I am not. Yet you said:
    I never said that there is "no problem" - I said that for me the fact that the lights do not turn on "immediately" is fine with me. The fact that several dealers (not even all in the US, we have case in Israel) don't fix it, gave me a hint that maybe, considering the current situation of Toyota in the US, people are way more sensitive.
    This is why I was questioning on my initial post:

    And by saying:
    I was trying to bring the tone down on a thread that was, for me, already on the hysteria lane. I was trying to say that I didn't have this issue. That the brake lights do not come up "immediately", but, as expected and as per my experience on other cars, a bit later. Normal for me. And clearly the same for several Toyota dealers worldwide.

    Then you went ahead by saying nice things like:
    The second statement, in particular, was really nice. You don't even know me, you don't prove your statements about the Cruise control works with facts ("Because the cruise cut off function is shared with the brake light function" - where is that written? who told you so? who tells you that the Prius works really like that, like "all" cars and it does not use instead another input (e.g. position of the pedal) to control CC? - no links, technical documentation from Toyota or at least links to other threads from more knowledgeable Prius users, etc.), but based on your experience (I must assume) about how "other cars" work.

    You know what - whatever, I am out of this thread for good.
    Since August 2009 I am on this forum, 286 posts, thanked 57 times and *nobody* ever told me to shut up or told me I am ignorant - quite it seems to me, the contrary.

    After all PC is a forum - for the exchange of ideas - or at least I thought, until a user, like you, wanted to "censor" me.
    If you really think there is a true and dangerous problem, the above is not the way to make your facts go through. But hey, who am I to tell: I am ignorant and should shut up, right?

    You will have fun in this forum them - there are plenty of posts, from many users from all over the world, and many add "no value" at all, some are plain stupid - still nobody behaved like you in replying to them, nobody that I could find so far.
  7. eric1234

    eric1234 Active Member

    Jun 8, 2008
    Hamden, CT
    2016 Prius

    The cruise control thread describes more than one driver who have experienced braking deceleration with continued engine torque delivery. Are you suggesting that this is normal?

    Are you suggesting this is safe setting?

    It is a problem. It needs an adjustment. I started reading this thread and the related cruise control thread because I sensed a problem and sought the advice and guidance of others who may have also shared the experience for their help.

    I am thankful that between these two threads - the help was there.

    when you post:

    "Why are you finding problems where there are none?"

    It offers no help to those of us who have discovered a problem and seek a solution.

    Your continued contradiction of our observations provides the predictable response that you have received...

    Edit: another point: You suggest that posting is not the best way to solve this problem. I agree. It should be solved by dealers. However, a trip to a dealer is not always convenient - especially when they disregard or ignore the problem. (in fact - many have spread mis-information when they say that no adjustment is possible when, in fact, it is).

    Many of us are mechanically inclined: Some a little bit - others a lot. One of the greatest values of forums is that there are always a few users who are very mechanically inclined. They serve as 'professors' to guide others. They help to cut through the mis-information that the dealers (who should be the 'experts' on our vehicles) often dispense.

    The experiences of others served as confirmation that the observed and perceived problem needed adjustment. The guidance of others served as the path to implement the solution in an expedient and cost-effective manner. (Of course - for a warranty repair - 'cost' can be more than money - but avoiding multiple conversations with reluctant dealers).

    I enter forums looking for help. There are users that provide volumes of information that leave other readers much more informed about the operation and performance of their vehicles.

    Again: when you say "Why are you finding problems where there are none?" it provides no help. It adds little value to those who have found a problem and desire help to find the solution.
  8. Diamondfuel

    Diamondfuel New Member

    Mar 8, 2017
    2009 Prius
    I had the same issue with my 1-owner Prius I recently purchased. Brake lights come on late causing severe tailgating as well as cruise control requiring the pedal to be stomped to disengage.
    I scheduled an appointment with the service department at the local dealership and was promptly called when the tech began the job, saying that the switch had been diagnosed as faulty and would require replacement. I argued that I had information that this is a widespread issue and it simply needed adjustment. And, I wanted this done as it was a safety issue. They wanted to charge $60 to do the work. I agreed.
    They called back saying it would not be possible as there is no adjustment for the switch. Again I argued that it is a known issue and their information and technician was WRONG.
    Again they called. This time to say that infact, I was correct and that the switch CAN be adjusted, and they would do it for free.
    Scheptically I picked the car up and the problem was worse. Apparently the technician wanted the money to replace the switch instead of making a few turns on it.
    Today I adjusted it in under 15 minutes and am on the phone with the service manager... might not be a good day for the tech today ..