Display settings On page 208 of my manual (in English) it explains how to turn the Eco and steering switch on and off. I am able to do this but don't see any effect. Probably a stupid question but can somebody help me out. Thanks Danny
Can you double check the page number? I don't see anything about this on p. 222 of my English manual. What's the Section number? (ex. 3-2)
Yes, found it on my page 200 in my English manual. What these settings do is: - Turn on/off the "ECO" indicator at the top of the Hybrid System Indicator display; and - Turn on/off the "pop up" (violet/yellow) display of the steering switches when you touch them. In order to change these settings, you need to press and hold the DISP button. If you just select the setting with a quick press, and then don't press and hold (letting the system return to the menu by itself) or turn off the vehicle, the setting isn't stored. Hope this helps.