After driving a mini SUV for 10 years, and cars with bumpers for years before that, I can't get used to the very low front fender. I did this when backing out of parking space (while turning) that had a very low block wall flower bed on the right that I didn't notice. I can't believe it was so easy to do this when barely moving. Now the question is - will a body shop be able to just sand, prime and paint the section in question? I hate the way this looks, but I can't see buying a new fender for what is a superficial problem. And it's way beyond touch up paint. And I dont' really want to claim it on my insurance. While I still love my Prius, despite all the bad press, after this I wonder how this car would fare in a real crash. This fender/bumper doesn't seem too protective. I wish it had an honest to goodness bumper. [IMGLINK][/IMGLINK] The black plastic thing hanging down is attached by a screw, and when the plastic bumper flexed, it moved.
Yes, they'll be able to touch-up the paint in that area w/o replacing the whole panel. Don't worry, with todays technology and with your car being new and unfaded, the repair will look great.
As on all cars, the bumper is under the plastic cover. The car has high safety ratings. Parts are designed to crumple. Would you prefer the vehicle to stay relatively intact & transmit the force of a collision to the occupants?
From experience, The bumper does very nicely in an accident. Three Weeks ago my 2004 Prius was involved in a rear ender where the front of the Prius hit a 2000 Lexus in front of me. I was able to slow to a Delta V of less than 15mph so the air bags did not go off. No glass breakage but everything in front of the "firewall" was crumpled. No one hurt except for my wife has an interesting "Seat Belt Bruise". The bumper absorbed most of the damage and then the engine compartment. In an accident, I am now confident that the Pruis is one of the best designed vehicles out there.
Thanks to all for replying. My neighbor was explaining to me the concept of the car progressively crumpling in a crash so as to absorb the force and protect the occupants. So I feel a lot better about the safety. I'm getting some estimates tomorrow for the scratch.
Hi my wife have same problem and we fix our at dealer ship for $341. Looks good to. Good luck with yours repair.
Don't feel guilty. We all made mistakes from time to time. BTW, love the metalic white on your car. It will be a shame not to fix it.
acanfield, Yikes! I'm sorry to see that you scraped the front end. We've all done it at one time or the other. After awhile, you'll get a feel for where the car is at when maneuvering in and out of parking spaces. Bryan
Yep very low bumper. Sorry to hear about the accident. Some people even want to lower their Prius even lower. Crazy .
I feel your pain. My bumper finished second to a chunk of ice that fell off a truck I was driving behind during last month's snow storms.
Ouch! Your repair will cost even more than mine, which will be $500, the best of two quotes. For mine they will remove the headlights then the bumper, sand, prime and paint the entire bumper, and put it all back together. It's going to take 3 days.