If that drive is 10 or more miles, one way and without big hills, you should easily get 55+ mpg. With gas prices surely to rise, it seems like a smart choice to me. For more reliability, safety and efficiency rank so much higher than looks and feel that it was a no-brainier for me. You just need to ask what is most important to you.
bigdog1234: Since I'm not a Toyota owner, I'm not in a position to answer your questions. I always carefully consider a $25-30K purchase and/or a 3-5 year financial commitment, but that's just me.
I think most people (also) carefully consider their car purchase. You are no different. But it amazes me the number of people on this site that need help in this decision. Certainly many more than I've ever seen on other sites. I mean after all - who knows what's more important in the decision process, than the buyer himself? If it is facts you seek, then they are only a Google away. If it's opinions you seek, well, it sounds like you already made up your mind (opinion wise) about the Prius when you "chickened out". It sounds to me, that by "chickening out" (your words), you have already fallen victim to the media hype, so no amount of factual information is going to undo those opinions/perceptions of the Prius. The Prius is a versatile, reliable car that gets fabulous gas mileage. The fact that you said you are considering a BMW (instead of the Prius) tells me you really haven't definned what it is you want in a car - because the Prius and the BMW are at opposite ends of the car spectrum. Seems to me, you need to define your own top attributes you want in a car, and then make a matrix...but you seem pre-disposed to believe the media hype, so probably best to go with the BMW. That way, you won't have to second guess your decion the next time there's a news story about a Toyota accelerating out of control - as bogus as many of these claims may be. All this aside, I just wonder whether the inability of some Toyota owners to reach a decision on their own, is indicative of why some Toyota owners can't seem to decide on the appropriate actions to control their car? If the claims made by Sikes are not a hoax, then clearly, he is the poster child for what I am talking about.
Perhaps typical Toyota purchasers are looking for a great bargain or deal, and now that the media has taken hold of Toyota and everyone is smelling blood - this very market share is coming back to haunt Toyota. BTW - if these reports of sudden acceleration worry you about the Prius, perhaps you should also do some research into BMWs. There's a lady who's currently in jail after her "run-away" BMW killed her own child and seriously injured another. You can google to find the story and read the accounts to see whether or not you believe the jury's interpretation (no mechanical faults, mostly operator error).
It's interesting to read the comments about freaked-out "Toyota owners" in a Prius chat room. I am clear that posting here is my attempt to separate hype from facts. That is why I'm looking for real-world experiences, not simply relying on Google postings, some of which are biased or contributing to the hysteria.
As I go through these posts, and all the helpful information based on real-world driving experience, more of the news stories (including Mister S) sound like pilot error.
There aren't very many "freaked-out" Toyota owners on Priuschat. Those are in the very small minority along w/the trolls and Toyota bashers. Yep. As for #2, depends on the model, BMW reliability is fairly hit or miss and I can't think of any BMW that is long term reliability that's as consistently good as any Toyota. You might find the lists at http://priuschat.com/forums/other-c...s-best-worst-lists-april-2010-auto-issue.html interesting. Let me know if you want me to lookup CR's mileage results for a given BMW model and year. Toyota also does very well in terms of safety complaints filed w/NHTSA vs. their market share. See http://www.edmunds.com/help/about/press/161506/article.html. I agree w/bigdog's comments about not having defined what you want in a car.
Honestly, BMWs really aren't particularly reliable (part of the reason they all now have full warranty and service coverage for like 5 years), but at least when they break down, the warranty will cover it the majority of the time. I mean you'll definitely spend some time at the dealership, but at least you likely won't be paying for it. My Prius - well almost nothing seems to be covered under that waranty, and from the expereince of serveral posters here, you have to fight pretty hard to get something covered.
I'm really glad there are people like the OP, it made my purchase today go super smooth and super cheap!
The Sikes story is a hoax. Furthermore, if there were such a thing as a runaway Prius, it takes one finger to put it in neutral.
IMO here is the link to the definitive answer to "how to stop a Prius". http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-h...-easy-fix-amazing-documentry.html#post1083527 go to www.aaa.com to build a car & get dealer quotes. IMO the used Prius should be priced at a significant discount.
Folks: I just thought you all should know that i called the salesman this afternoon, and told him I'd pick the car (2010 IV, nav, solar roof, 10K on the odometer) up tomorrow, deal done. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts, opinions and nudges!
Congratulations! Well, you don't need to hear about my real-life experience in our 2010 III with nav/solar, but I will add it anyway. We have had the car for 6 months and 3K miles. DH drives it some, but it is mostly my chariot. I am still in love with this car. I am happy every time I walk up to it and get in and drive. We have had no problems with it whatsoever. DH really enjoys it too, especially when he gets better MPG than I do. (Edited to add: We average just over 50 MPG consistently and did so almost right from the start. If it is cold or rainy, then the MPG might be a bit less. But almost always we are just over 50. I think that is partly because of our driving habits, though they are pretty normal, IMO; partly because of terrain; and partly because of our relatively warm weather. It will be interesting to see if the MPG improves any with the age of the car.) As you likely know, there are no (alleged?) occurrences of SUA in the 2010 (at least that I am aware of). There is a brake recall, and I have had that done, but I had no issues with the brakes prior to the recall work, even when I tried to replicate the issues I read about here. BTW, I bought the car knowing about the brake concerns that some folks have experienced. I have done loads of research using this site and other sources, and I am still 100% satisfied with the safety of my car. I saw other sources listed earlier in this thread, but I don't believe this one was mentioned. You might find it interesting. Toyota Vehicles : MotorWeek 2010 Drivers' Choice Awards Names Toyota Prius Best Vehicle of the Year / Toyota Again, congratulations. Enjoy!
Ha! I thought long and hard about BMWs, by the way, and how much everything tends to cost as soon as you drive into the service area. I found a great technician for my Saab (which we're keeping), who finds ways of saving us $$ (used/reconditioned parts, common-sense maintenance). I don't know that we'd find one for a BMW. PLUS, there are no BMW dealerships within 50 miles of our home, but there are at least 2-3 Toyota dealerships. Way more convenient. Now, all I'm going to ask about is getting 17" tires vs. the default 15"...any opinions on that? Thanks, Tom.
Does that mean you're going for the Prius model V or are you just getting the wheels and tires swapped out on a lower model? There's supposedly a slight mileage penalty if you go w/the 17" wheels. See http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...s-v-still-rated-51-48-mpg-epa.html#post933954 and http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...my/65496-17-wheels-effect-mpg.html#post905725 for examples.
To the OP, you came her to be talked into a Prius, go get the bloody thing. If you really wanted a BMW you would have asked on the BMW forums about this issue.
Notice that, as in all previous episodes of unintended acceleration hysteria, most of the victims are old farts. What a funny coincidence. So go buy that Prius and enjoy it.