Maybe Toyota USA wanting their seven month of back lease payments due on his Prius. Or probably all the people he owes money to that just found out about the bankruptcy.
He certainly has no lack of creditors, past and present who have recently been reminded what a scumbag this loser is any of them could be ebhind it, I say good for them!
Unintentional death threats, that's my defense, I was afraid to stop writing them for fear I would flip over. (It saddens me that he has dragged others down to his level)
got a link? Not that it will matter, if identified, but if we find it is anyone from this site you can be assured of a permanant ban from Priuschat. It is unacceptable to attempt to interfere with this case, the investigation or this man's life in any way. We can speculate amongst ourselves, but he's innocent until proven guilty. I, as much as anyone, want to prove that our Prius is perfectly safe and free of flaws, but attacking Sikes won't accomplish that and will, ultimately, reflect badly on Priuschat and prius owners/drivers in general. Particularly if it is found that there is a dangerous design flaw. I'm surprised nobody has said this, but I think the entire death threat/world turned upside down part is the real hoax - their ultimate ploy for money and attention! Allow me to explain: "Everyone can just leave us alone," she said. "Jim didn't get hurt. There's no intent at all to sue Toyota. My guess is they will eventually sue Toyota not over the "faulty" car, but for PTSD and the drama they will accuse Toyota of. Clever girl. It gets better. Mrs. Sikes said the couple's lives have been turned upside down since Monday and they are getting death threats. "Our careers are ruined and life is just not good anymore." They will use these claims of "death threats" towards their case. There is one part that won't stand up in the criminal justice system, however: Their careers are ruined? Life is just not good anymore? Was life still good when they were $700,000 in debt? These folks are bad.
found this link, but it's not what you are looking for... at the end of the article is a video, Fox News tried several different ways to stop a prius with the accelerator fully depresed, all of them worked... FOX: Is Sikes A Balloon Boy? | The Truth About Cars and here is a very recent post from Reuters as well and more on this "winner"
Here is more news: Congressional memo: Gov't, Toyota tests on runaway Prius fail to replicate San Diego incident |
While it's entirely possible that some misanthrope would write a death threat to this guy and his wife I question that it really happened in the way it is being described. An example, a while back one Washington Post writer was doing a :live chat" online. Part of the discussion was how this writer had ripped some bloggers for pointing out factual errors in one report. The writer claimed that wasn't all, that he had received "death threats" as well from these uncivilized. While there is no shortage of uncivilized bloggers when the matter was looked into more deeply what in fact the writer had received was a lot of pretty standard hate mail (arguably, he deserved it) and one in particular that said (paraphrased here) "I hope your death is as unpleasant as you've helped to make the lives of those affected by your story." Not quite a "death threat" but the writer felt compelled to toss in a little melodrama to make his perceived persecution seem more real. And make no mistake, for whatever reason Sikes did this, he has harmed a lot of people, his wife's disingenuous protestations about "savings lives" aside. He's helped harm every person in this country who own a Toyota by adding to the irresponsible piling on we've seen. I'm not, in any way, arguing he deserves to be further mistreated. I do think it's incredibly weak that California law enforcement seems to show no interest in investigating this and possibly charging him with a crime if one has been committed. If he did fake this incident, then there are several that come to mind which he should be charged with. As for ruining his life, I think Sikes and his wife did a fine job of that long before any of this happened. That he may faked this incident is just further evidence of his bad judgment.
Old Italian Proverb - Never stand in the way of your enemy while he is trying to defeat himself. Keith
So, the poor little Siko is getting some of his own medicine. I wonder how many millions his little scam cost Toyota.
But will you do it any less? Did she provide any documentation of the "death threats"? Letters, e-mails, answering machine recordings are pretty easy to share. If not, her story is just as credible as his. If "The Mob" was behind it, we'd find him in the famous mock Toyota ad "At least he drives a Prius."