ALERT THE MEDIA ! I've had No Problems At All with My New 2010 PRIUs ( Model " V " ) ! I MUST HAVE The Miracle Car ! So while everybody else is evidently accelerating into Oblivion, I've been just Loving the New Prius and Remained Safe and Un-Bloodied. Go Figgure !
So you're NOT that lady who rammed her neighbor's house in New York!? Gee. Congratulations on getting the "fluke" Toyota, so you think! But hey, you might as well forget the TRD oil filters and the thicker oils, since for sure, your brakes will fail or your accelerator will stick one of these days. :clock:
The next big Prius problem, I'm told, is our ray2:saintly concern for the environment will have us 'taken up' in the soon to arrive :rapture: "RAPTURE", causing our driverless Prius to :scared:crash. The media hasn't yet grabbed this one to run with. We need more :flame:evil-doers to drive these.
The lady in NY as well all other very recent Toyota crashes, where drivers claim the car did something "on its own" are simply trying to get on the Toyota lawsuit bandwagon to get money from Toyota. I can really imagine they are doing this *on purpose* to get money. I wonder what their credit status is. I mean, after all shows like "Desperate Housewives" must get their ideas from somewhere, like real-life, right? or it is the other way around maybe... We can only thank the lawyers and the judges in the US that manage to grant millions of dollars to women that get burned with hot coffee cups... (was that, BTW, while she was driving, with the cup between the thighs? she should have had her driver's license removed, not get money from, who was it, McDonald's?)...
I think Mc Donalds deserved to pay for the cheap cup filled with scalding hot coffee handed to someone sitting behind the steering wheel of a car. If that is your business, the cup should be a better one, with a lid that stays where it must to avoid the customer, who is always the first concern, from being badly burned. Lawsuits are all consumers have to protect us. If it were not this way the unsafe products of companys would be everywhere. We already learned that most car makers for decades decided against redeisning unsafe cars and trucks because paying the lawsuits was cheaper than fixing the unsafe car. So be careful what you wish for. Knee jerk reactions to media hype is why Toyota is having problems, not people who actually experienced problems suing Toyota. The facts will come out in court.
Hey - ditto here - no problems or issues. Almost 12,000 miles on my generation 3 - II. Computer mileage is always in the 52.0 mile range mpg - as we all know the computer is over stated by about 2 - 3 MPG's, but all in all an outstanding vehicle. Mr. Bill :rockon: