First, I have an '06 with NAV and for the past 4 years, regardless of phones, my bluetooth has worked flawlessly. Just recently, with no changes that I made, every time I start the car, the bluetooth connects and turns on. It never seems to dial a number but the phone is on and waiting to dial. I have to manually turn the phone off at the touch screen.Has anyone experienced the same issue and what is the solution?
Have you tried another phone? My first suspicion is that something is different with your phone, not the car. Tom
I've noticed this. My Motorola Q phone's screen comes on when it connects via bluetooth, but the display timeout (on my phone) goes out after 10 seconds. Mine has always worked like this. Maybe try the activity timeout setting on your phone?
UPDATE: I discovered that the problem was my Blackberry Storm. Somehow the Bluetooth software, in the phone, became corrupted. The fix was easy. I removed and replaced the battery which allowed the phone to reset and reboot. Everything is working just as it had in the past. If it happens again, I'll replace the phone.