I scheduled my 15,000 mile service today and while I was at it, I asked how much it would cost. I was told $169, but they suggested I also have the wheels aligned and the tires balanced. They wanted about $80 more to do that. Anyone have an opinion on the necessity of having this done? Thanks
Are your tires wearing unevenly and/or is the car pulling to the left or the right? If the answer is no, I don't think that an alignment is called for.
[font=Comic Sans MS:006a013447]Many tire stores will check alignment and balance for free, as well as tread wear. But the dealer is such a nice guy, why don't you just give him the extra money...[/font:006a013447]
My 15,000 mile maintenance cost the same as all others every 5,000 miles: $19.95 (oil and filter change).
Do yourself a huge favor and find that Prius maintenance schedule in your glove box, or wherever you are storing your manuals. Read what Toyota wants done at 15,000. Do not do anything more than that. So, for your sanity, pocketbook and the safety of your vehicle (from reckless mechanics which don't know the Prius) call that dealer up again, cancel the 15,000 mile service and request a service call for the specific items listed in the book and nothing more. If the dealer talks about flushing anything, changing plugs or doing timing adjustments, run away as fast as you can. If they give you a line about "standard service items" at 15,000 let them know that it is your way or the highway. And if you feel so inclined, call Toyota corporate and let them know what the dealer tried to do to you and your Prius.
Each dealer carries ther own definition of 15,000 mile service that varies from Toyota's definition and exists simply to up the dealer's profits. Most times they throw in extra crap that isn't even necessary for regular cars and even less relevant to our beloved Prius. I would take JeromeP's advice and never let the words "15,000 mile service" come up in the conversation.
Oh yeah. JeromeP, only Prius Techs are allowed to do anything above and beyond oil changes and tire rotations on the Prius. So you don't have to worry about that
After searching in vain for a thread based on 15000 service I started a new thread and low and behold all was revealed. Seems the search function is less effective than starting a new thread! Ok the real post! Just had the above service done by the dealer. What a rip off. I was quoted $330 for the "package" which they said included rotate and balance I got rid of those by doing the rotate myself (Thanks to PC member for the tip on using the 2x4 under floor jack) and refusing to have balance done because none of the wheels are causing problems. But boy did I miss some duzzies. 1 . Oil Change Even though Toyota has certified the prius as a 10K interval vehicle the dealer still thinks it should be changed! Gasket 1.25, element 6.95,oil @ 6.75x5 33.75 Plus the penultimate rip MOA friction fighter@ 21.00 (or 8.50 on ebay ) for a total oil change of 62.95 2. Fuel supplement @20.00 3. Transmission Cond @ 12.50 4. Brake Cleaner ? @ 10.00 5. WWS fluid, washer @ 2.60 (it was full) 6. Misc fluids @ 12.00 7.Cabin air filter at 30.00 Ok so my question is this a reasonable bill? the total with state sales tax came to 307.67
No! It's ridiculous! It's also probably too late to claw anything back from these guys. Chalk it up as a lesson learned. Every dealer cooks up their own service packages which list everything that could possibly be performed on any car in existence, including stuff that cannot even be done on a Prius. Nevertheless they will charge you for all of it. If you sashay in and say, "gimme yer X miles service" you'll get "serviced" for sure. Instead, read the scheduled maintenance guide that came with the car. Turn to the correct X miles/Y months page. Show that to the service writer and tell them to do those things and nothing else. At most service intervals you should get away for less than $100. If you don't have the guide that came from Toyota see here: Toyota Parts and Service