Hi - I have spent the last few days reading all the threads on lighting and am still very confused! Please help a noob I cannot stand the yellow lights. I have a Prius V. I want to replace all interior lights with LED's. I want to replace parking lights, license plate lights and fog lights with LED's. Maybe HID's in fogs? Am I forgetting any lights? I read that I should maybe get these for the interior and possibly parking lights?: WLED-xHP5 Thank you very much! I am sorry if this is redundant but I am so confused!
You should refer to this thread as it has a lot of the information you are asking about: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...-parking-lights-rear-license-plate-bulbs.html To quickly answer your questions about the interior lights, the vanity lights, map lights, and the lights on the two front doors uses the 194/168 bulb fitment (or T10 is alternate size reference). These are the wedge type bulbs. The big light in the middle of the interior and the cargo light uses the festoon type bulb, size 31mm. Parking lights, and license plate lights use the same 194/168 wedge type bulbs. Not sure about the fogs though.
Thanks. As noted in my first post I did read all of those threads but you can only go in circles so many times before you get dizzy. Any links to places that sell those bulbs? Thank you for your help!
eBay is a good start, some sellers have a "package" where they will sell you everything you need to replace the bulbs of your particular car. Keyword search and you'll find it.
Good start but becareful. I used to buy from ebay but the quality is so crap that they can die in less than a week. LED is supposed to last but somehow some don't depending on quality.
Thanks! I looked around fleabay and found only 04-09 lights. so I can order an H11 HID kit with relays and be fine?
You could try: 194 168 W5W 2825 Map Led Parking Signal Marker Bulbs or Super Bright LEDs - Miniature Wedge Base Bulbs for the wedge type bulbs. For the festoon bulbs try: Super Bright LEDs ? Festoon Light Bulbs or Festoon Dome Lights I've also had luck with this vendor: T10 Wedge 194 automotive led lights Good luck. PM me if you have any questions...