I am now officially a Prius owner. I have to say the quality and workmanship of the car is outstanding. Picked up my new Grey Metallic Prius III and put a coat of Zanio 5 wax on it. You can really tell the workmanship of a car when you wax it. The fit is perfect, no dashboard rattle, and drives like a dream. For those of you worried about the bad press lately and are on the ropes weather to purchase I can tell you you will never see a time like this to get a good deal on the Prius. The ride is quiet, tight, and so smooth. The JBL stereo is fantastic and the bluetooth phone link is crystal clear on both ends of the line. I am totally happy with my purchase and I am hooked on the Hybrid design. A mechanical marvel. Under the hood no belts! (unlike the Honda line of hybrids) Charlie C
Could I ask how much you paid? I'm currently working the price down on a Prius III w/ Solar. MSRP 28,380.. currently at $27,300.
Sticker was 24,400 - I paid 22,500. I think I got a great deal. The sales guy (whom I know) told me you will never see a deal like this again on a Prius. He told me the dealership broke even on the car. Charlie
Sounds like you work for Toyota. You only owned the Prius for a day? Lets talk about perfection after you've own it for a while. But I am glad you like your Prius. Congrats.
Welcome aboard. I feel like an old prius owner already now after 2 months asnd 3 days. Enjoy - I do. BTW I also bought the dark grey and am happy with the chose.
cc99, Welcome and congratulations on your purchase. I have the same vehicle, color too, with the addition of the Nav. I have had mine since last August and have over 9k miles. No problems, no rattles, no nothing. Everything works as advertised and my mileage has even improved with break-in and warmer weather. Good time to own a new Prius. I agree. When you wash and wax the Winter Gray it really looks nice and you see how well the car is put together. I think your sales guy is correct in saying that you may never find as good a time to buy a Prius as now. Dwight
I hope you don't seriously believe that lie. I don't think you even paid under invoice, netting them probably more than 5%. Which is still a great deal, but don't believe a dealer when they say they sold a car for nothing.
To be exact he said it was like 400 UNDER dealer invoice......According to Edmunds.com dealer invoice is 22,150 then add the 750 destination charge brings it to 22,900. Charlie
I just love how people generalize? It's exactly because of generalizations that folks think all Toyotas are "killers". Mine doesn't - rattle. and I have 9,000 miles.
Avian, I purchased my Prius III last week, and the sticker prices was $25,673.00, and they also had a bump sticker on it adding $1,895.00 for what they call Market Value Adjustment, making it $27,568.00. I paid $22,890.00, and made them switch the tires and replace them with Michelin Tires, just because I'm a huge Michelin fan! I though I got a pretty good deal, good luck! Matt
I am a new Prius owner too and very happy with the deal I got and the quality of the car. Congratulations to you too. I loved your "dealer broke even" comment. Years ago when I bought my very first new car- a 1980 Honda Accord- I thought I had made a great deal too. While excitedly telling my boss the next day about the new car and my great deal, he calmly put his arm on my shoulders and said, "You know, I drove by that dealer on my way to work today and guess what, they were still open for business." It took me a moment, but I realized what he meant: the dealer still made money off of my purchase. He then told me things I didn't know about car dealerships and the deals and spiffs and hold backs and whatever else they do between themselves and the manufacturers. I was still pleased with my Accord and what I paid for it. I just wasn't so naive anymore.
Please post again in a few months about the overall results of the car. Would love to hear how it performs and if any defects are popping up. Just for statistics. Regarding the rattles, wait a while - new cars never rattle... My Prius does not rattle at all, but the central console does "squeak" when the cabin is cold and I bump on uneven road. I think the connection from the central tunnel to the console should have been better designed against plastic squeaks. But in comparison to my previous car, this is nothing. Let's wait another 6 months before I comment again about rattling or squeaking... After all I bought a new model after only a few months it was out on the market, I knew it would not be 100% perfect - a few more months, or a full year of extra manufacturing would have been better to get a more bug-free car. So, I should have waited, but I could not wait any longer - I really wanted to change car and I (still) trust overall Toyota quality (which is in no way worse than it was before the whole recall-BS and is surely better or equal than anybody out there - they are all recalling like crazy, but nobody is talking about it).