My car is due to come in next wednesday (fingers crossed). I did the loan approval thing today via the phone, since I want to have the car financed the second it comes on the lot so no one can try and steal it. I have not received anything from Toyota, but my salesman says I will have to take delivery of the car within the next 30 days or the financing needs to be redone. I have no problem taking delivery this month, hence why he ran it for me. How long were you all "in the system" before you got your keychains and letters from toyota?
60 days for the keychain. 90 days for the letter; which by the way I received the day after I drove my Prius home from WY.
It took a little over a month after the initial order to recieve the keychain. The letter followed the keychain by 3 days. But the letter only told of the price increase. It did not say anything about refunding me the $300. I placed my order with the dealer March 2nd. Was not the order placed in time to qualify for recieving the rebate from Toyota.?? I thought the "letter" was to mention this. Mine did not.
I put down a deposit four months ago and haven't gotten squat. I doubt I'm in any system and wouldn't be surprised if I get screwed some way or another when I finally get the Prius. I'm getting tired of being jerked around and left in the dark by my Toyota dealer. Do I sound bitter?
I placed my order on March 20 and I received a letter yesterday telling me about the price increase. Have not received a keychain yet. I do know now that I am in the system.
I have had an order placed since January and I haven't received jack. I have a theory that the South Eastern Toyota is not giving out keychains to confirm orders in the system. Can anyone prove or disprove this? :?:
I never received a keychain or a letter. I got my Prius 2 months after ordering it. I got a dealer keyring on each fob, but never got a Prius keychain (not that I care: just so you know here's another person who never got one.)
I ordered Jan. 6 and got the key fob at 70 days and the letter at 90 days. Still waiting - can't drive a key fob and a letter. Grrrr!
I'm pretty sure that's what my dealer did. They've just seemed to be really slack when it comes to getting my car.
Well - got the key chain, got the car, got another key chain, then got the letter thanking me for my order and patience all within six weeks. Computers just make screwing up faster!