I don't have to worry about SUA in my Prius anymore, because I'm PROTECTED! . . This will keep out the gamma rays from the planet Mongo that might otherwise make me mash the wrong pedal in the car. I feel so relieved now. And the kind folks at the local 911 dispatch center can breathe easier too. . It's actually not that easy to construct a tinfoil hat, it turns out. Maybe that's why more people don't. Getting the ground-plane integrity right is a pain. . The only remaining nagging fear is something my mother said: she thinks the source of the mind-control rays may be a lot closer than the Mongonian empire. Guess I won't drive too near SoCal until this whole mess blows over, and always try to park facing east. . _H*
You should make sure you are impedance matched to 42ohms... That way you pick up the anti-Mongonian transmissions the government is broadcasting at full intensity. Lowest chance of interference.
I have just started The Emergency Fund To Get Hobbit Laid. It currently has $75 and I figure we'll need at LEAST $850 to calm Hobbit down
You need the hard hat to also block the secret NSA Mind Control Beams that are broadcast from every wireless device on the planet